Archive for February, 2017



The effects of yesterday’s big wind event really were on full display, as the day dawned clear and mild.  Mineral Basin was delayed for control work, but the front of the hill had plenty to offer in the way of smooth wind deposited lines, which were a bit variable, but had solid threads of support-ability that were well worth feeling out.  There was a fair turnout for the opening bell, but the chairs were the place to be to skirt the crowd at the Tram.  Since that predicted storm seemed to have missed the hill, it was great to see the Sun and have so many options to check out.  So many aspects had been filled with the transported snow, that some of those very rare lines were going un noticed, and I got to work them while the crowd was looking else where.  Here is a great shot of Mikey M getting even more goods out in The Exotic Trees shortly after that line dropped.  It was prudent to stay ahead of the crowd to get the best lines.  Mineral Basin was looking tantalizing in the bright Sun, and it was not long until it was released to the Faithful.  Here is a shot I took of the High North lines waiting to be caressed with tentative turns. Doesn’t that look good?   It was indeed, but other aspects were not as supportable, making the pack a bit challenging in places.  While the crowd worked the back bowl, the front of the hill was offering nice lines with few folks.  At around 2:30PM., a cloud deck moved over the hill and the lights went out, but the goods were still easy to see.  The Road to Provo was a bit tricky as well,  but a lighter touch kept the turns working through the variations.  Tomorrow, look for a bit of snow to have fallen overnight, with warm temps. that might make the snow level higher than we would like.  We will have to see how it shakes out.  Dress for storm riding, but if the temps. are as warm as they are predicting, you won’t have to layer too much.  IBBY!!!



The cycle continues with more medium density product deposited on the dance floor.  It is great to have the extra cushion, as the old layer is fading away with each new installment.  The wind was really cranking on the Peak this morning, and visibility was very marginal, but the fresh snow and smoothing lines made that first runs a real treat.  There was quite a bit of traffic to start out the day, and the Tram backed up a bit, though the Chairs were walk on clear, and there was a fast turnaround using that option.  The Tram closed due to wind, so I checked in to the Forklift Chair to assess the options.   Buzzy and Bunny came back from their tour of British Columbia, where they visited all the big areas for the last few weeks.  It was great to have them back on the hill, and Buzz missed all those Lewis and Clark events, but he had a great time.  He sent me this shot of this very special Spotted Cow Beer, that is only available in one corner of the state in which it is made.   Only those who know, know how special this brew is.  Thanks Buzz!!Tomorrow, look for more unsettled weather, great snow on the hill, and lots of variations to explore.  The hill is so fat now that going to the far reaches and obscure lines is a treat, as all the features are long gone.  I dropped into Great Scott on my first run and it was clean and green all the way to the bottom.  It has not been this filled in in many years now.   Look for the Groomers to be offering the consistent smooth, however, the wind has done great things, so be on the look out for the wind filled aspects.  There may be some additional accumulation during the night, and I expect another amazing day of big mountain excitement to be on tap.  As a parting shot, here is Mikey M. getting into a deep pocket way out on the traverse.  This gives you an idea of the excellence that is happening today and will be on tap for tomorrow.  Thanks for that shot Mike.   Don’t Forget To SIZZLE!!



With a few inches of overnight medium density product, and  some big wind from the South, made many of the upper mountain lines beautifully wind buffed.  I spied a fat line off the peak that  offered steep, buttery, smoothness that made every turn a sensation.  I made sure to extract as much juice from every turn just so could log it into the Akashic Record.  The underlying static was still in play over most of the off trail areas, but those wind buffed lines were really worth following.  Snow was falling briskly, and the wind kept the snow moving, providing some real treasures if you just looked for the non obvious.  Great Groomers were offering smooth buffage as well,  making those steep lower mountain lines a real treat.  Having that extra cushion over the mat really helped the stoke level, and I was able to work on my time dilation exercises.    Here is a shot of my good friend Jack, who exemplifies the best full charge spirit of anyone I know.  When he goes blowing by me on those early morning Lewis and Clark tours, I dial it up a touch to keep up, watch, and learn.  Never stop ripping Jack.  Tomorrow, look for some accumulation during the night.  I will be looking for those smooth lines that I was hitting today to keep the static to a minimum.  It will be a another full on storm riding day, so dress for weather and cold.  The High North has benefited the most from this South Wind, so you can expect smooth big mountain goodness if you look there.  Some of the low guts on the West and East are also filling, so there are many options and permutations to explore.  You have to love this season as it just keeps coming.   IBBY!!!



The forecast was for overcast skies with snow possible, but the morning dawned clear and cold, with a fair breeze that made me glad I dressed for the occasion.  Mineral Basin was offering some big Winch Cat drops that were dry and chalky, despite the due South aspect.  I did that full lap back there, getting as much of that dust covered corduroy as I could.  On the front of the hill, the Peruvian Gulch was offering wind augmented Groomers that felt like soft flannel top to bottom.  Lower Primrose Path was just killer, making that Super Pipe piece of terrain exquisite and worthy of attention until it was time for breakfast.  The traffic was light, with walk on Trams making the back to back pace easy to keep, which was a treat with the level of traffic that was streaming up the Canyon.  Those High North aspects were still looking good after the big wind event Friday, but I will wait until tomorrow to get a closer look at them.  I was too busy getting the goods on the prepared lines.   Here is a shot of the Valley with 3D clarity after a long stretch living with the inversion.  It is so nice to be able to see such a site with pristine air.  Tomorrow, look for more great lines all over the hill, with, perhaps, a dusting overnight.  It looks like more snow is in the forecast, so dress for cold and weather.  Look for those prepared lines to be offering the ground pounding fun that was happening today.   Be sure to visit that lower Primrose Path, as it will still be offering that Super Pipe quality that was there today, because it just was not getting the traffic.  See you there dark and early for more Velvet buffage.  See the Line, BE the Line!!



The inversion lifted with the change in the weather, and it was clear all the way across the Valley and beyond.  Up on the hill, the clouds hung on the hill with a few passing clear patches, but did not really clear off until 1:00PM.  That heavy South wind yesterday made the Nigh North aspects the place to look for the smooth goods.  Those few overnight inches were feeling quite a bit deeper in places.  Traffic was heavy with the pent up anticipation of fresh snow, and who can blame them.  For myself, I rested up, spent some time talking to the horses in the coral – they love it when I come out and just talk to them.  They gather around and just listen. They are beautiful creatures.  Here is a shot of two folks who were part of a much larger group that had these cool  helmet caps.  I saw a Panda and a couple of others that were just great.  Thanks for sending that shot Tomi, I tried to get a shot of them yesterday, but they were moving too fast and I could not catch up from my seat at the Forklift.  Tomorrow, look for variable visibility as there is still light snow in the forecast.  Remember your smooth lines from today for the off trail goodness.  The Groomers will be offering great Hydro Velvet with, perhaps, a bit of fresh to cover the dance floor.  I will be dressing for a cold day again, as I have been caught under dressed too many times this season.  There is still quite a bit of static where the wind did not fill in the sections, so tread with caution in the variable light.   I will be back on the hill again tomorrow, and will have the first hand report.  In parting, here is a shot my friend Robert sent of a raven about to be introduced to some interesting gastric phenomena.  That will teach him.  Peace Out!!



A big wind was blowing this morning as the Morning Crew headed out to Mineral Basin, which for the first few minutes was bathed in sunlight.  The Micro Climate back there delivered 5 or so inches of light density Essence.  The wind had smoothed many lines, but the underlying rumble was reflecting through on some of the drops.  Still, it was great to have some fresh product to ply.  The Groomers were excellent as well, as they were covered with a light dusting of goodness that made those smooth lines just that much better.  That stout wind was cutting, making me glad I dressed for cold.  On the front side of the hill, the Groomers were ripping top to bottom, with Lower Primrose Path getting a fresh treatment.  At 11:00AM.,  the Tram was closed due to high winds and Mineral Basin was closed, so I called it a day and began my weekend early.  That Sunshine was short lived, and light snow began falling again as I was leaving.  Here is a shot I got of the fresh cut flowers in the Forklift, courtesy of Julia’s Living Creations.  There is some great detail in this shot and the black back ground makes it pop.  Tomorrow, look for a few fresh inches of goodness to be on tap for the opening bell.  That will go a long way toward providing a cushion over the rumble.  Many smooth lines are still available all over the hill, so look around on the ride up and plan your attack.  Mineral Basin is always a good call for the morning session, with great Groomers and a lot of wind buffed lines still holding the smooth.  I will be taking the day off to get some R and R.  Stay Frosty!!



The snow was falling briskly as I parked the car this morning, and up on the hill there was a half inch of freshness covering the dance floor.  With the off trail holding quite a bit of static, sticking with the known smooth lines was the ticket.  The Morning Crew did the Lewis and Clark exploration, where we found deluxe dust covering the prepared Hydro Velvet lines.  We had to make a few laps there to track it out as there was no one else there to get the goods.  On the front of the hill, more smooth lines had been prepared, with the previously prepared lines still holding the smooth dry chalk that made those lines well worth repeat visits, especially in the variable visibility.  Furious Flurries would break loose, laying down even more medium density Essence, that kept the untracked lines coming.  I stopped into The Summit to check out the offerings for the day and found Elizabeth manning the Carving Station, where the  slow roasted beef looked mighty tasty.  There is so much to like there for lunch it is very hard to choose.  Furious Flurries continued off and on all day long and by 2:30PM. better than 3” had covered the hill, making those smooth lines even more sumptuous.  I tried a few off trail lines thinking I would find a gem, but I was sent traversing back to the smooth to keep the ride nominal.   I met  Tom Dugan today on his very first Tram ride at the Bird.  We spoke about our shared deployments in the Dark Matter Wars, where he continues to engage in the ongoing skirmishes.  I had a good time giving him the 411 on where to find the smooth lines.  Tomorrow, look for a skiff of freshness to have fallen overnight, with continued flurries during the day.  The visibility will continue to be variable, so stay with the trees for definition and look for the smooth lines for the best ride.  Some of the rare pitches off of the Gad 2 Chair had been prepared, so look there for great lines with plenty of trees to keep the details more well defined.  IBBY!



Very high thin clouds and a stout breeze greeted the morning crew.  Visibility was excellent, as the Sun was punching through the screen,  keeping the details in high relief.  Out in Mineral Basin the Groomers were killer, with the White Diamond – Lower Silver Dipper combination offering ground pounding fun.   The wind was working the lines here and there with the line below the Hillary Step offering unreal transported sugar that made that line a mandatory multiple lap extravaganza.  The tracks would fill in with each pass, and the quality seemed to get better with the traffic.  On the front of the hill, the wind was working other lines, but they did not have the throw that the Mineral Lines were offering.   More lower mountain lines had been machine worked, offering very steep, dry chalk top to bottom.  Those lines stood up all day long and I finished the day dialing in that one rare pitch that was still offering a perfect surface at 3PM.  Here is a shot of tree bark that I took while punching a line through the trees to get an obscure wind buffed line.  As the day progressed, the clouds thickened up and the light went flat, with only a few openings of Sunlight coming through.   Holding to the known smooth lines made continued full fall line drops no problem.  Tomorrow, look for overcast skies, continuing wind, and perhaps some precipitation later in the day.  I will be looking for more wind lines to be on tap, and a full assortment of excellent Groomed lines to let you find your inner Ligety.  The off trail continues to be dry and chalky, but the static has built up and will be difficult to discern in the variable visibility. See you there for the Full Fun morning session.  Don’t Forget To SIZZLE!!