The effects of yesterday’s big wind event really were on full display, as the day dawned clear and mild. Mineral Basin was delayed for control work, but the front of the hill had plenty to offer in the way of smooth wind deposited lines, which were a bit variable, but had solid threads of support-ability that were well worth feeling out. There was a fair turnout for the opening bell, but the chairs were the place to be to skirt the crowd at the Tram. Since that predicted storm seemed to have missed the hill, it was great to see the Sun and have so many options to check out. So many aspects had been filled with the transported snow, that some of those very rare lines were going un noticed, and I got to work them while the crowd was looking else where. Here is a great shot of Mikey M getting even more goods out in The Exotic Trees shortly after that line dropped. It was prudent to stay ahead of the crowd to get the best lines. Mineral Basin was looking tantalizing in the bright Sun, and it was not long until it was released to the Faithful. Here is a shot I took of the High North lines waiting to be caressed with tentative turns.
Doesn’t that look good? It was indeed, but other aspects were not as supportable, making the pack a bit challenging in places. While the crowd worked the back bowl, the front of the hill was offering nice lines with few folks. At around 2:30PM., a cloud deck moved over the hill and the lights went out, but the goods were still easy to see. The Road to Provo was a bit tricky as well, but a lighter touch kept the turns working through the variations. Tomorrow, look for a bit of snow to have fallen overnight, with warm temps. that might make the snow level higher than we would like. We will have to see how it shakes out. Dress for storm riding, but if the temps. are as warm as they are predicting, you won’t have to layer too much. IBBY!!!
2-08-17 by dave