Archive for February, 2010



The drive up the hill this Thursday morning was very soupy with dense fog shrouding the valley and much of the canyon.  2 or 3” of new snow had fallen overnight, covering the grooming from yesterday afternoon.  The visibility did not detract from the perfectly smooth and silky runs that were to be had by those few who showed up for the first Tram.  The off trail remains choppy and was not helped by the fog that moved continually through all day.  Windows of sunshine did peak through the clouds providing some clear shots down Regulator.  From time to time Mineral Basin cleared out with sunny shots every where.  The snow that fell during the day did not build up very much, keeping the fresh snow fairly consistent.  Longer turns were required to average out the slick spots, but the slick spots were few and far between, fortunately.  We will have to see what happens with the weather  in the next few days, but we are set up for greatness.  See you in the AM!!



Wednesday morning began with sun up high with a cloud moving up the canyon slowly.  Good visibility and delightful groomers were on tap with Mineral Basin sporting very sunny shots with the front side experiencing variable vis as the morning moved forward.  This last installment made for some great grooming material with carpet smooth shots on every section.  I just had to take full advantage of that buffage until I went to the Forklift chair for breakfast. The moisture in the most recent sauce has begun to set up, feeling  a bit more Styrofoam like in places where the wind and sun got hold of it yesterday.  More snow is forecast making any worry about  deterioration short lived.  The strainer sections still present issues getting through them, especially the West facing ones  where the constant traffic has continually scraped them clean.  Again, new snow will help in all locations with the overall snow pack poised to  be a solid base for the next batch. The deep trees have the bump issue going on there with good cover except in the usual steep sections where some stumps and ledges are still exposed.  The morning is looking like a snowy start so dress for weather, though I don’t think the temps will be too low.  Get ready for the next cycle, we are due for our share of the goods this time!!! Ciao!!



Tuesday morning saw the return of the Sun to the hill providing perfect visibility top to bottom,  enhancing the incredible quality of the groomers and the untracked from yesterday.  The consistency was that of granulated sugar with no sticking points.  Baldy opened right off featuring smooth silky sugar top to bottom with not a bad turn to be had.  This is some of the best skiing of the season where low attendance and no pressure make for a full on shred fest.  I was asked today where the good snow was and I had to answer that it was good where ever you chose, and it was.  There were vestiges of the chop underneath the fresh, but the added density masked the roughness offering magical feeling turns.  You get the picture.  The week is looking like we are in for more installments for the next stretch, which can only be anticipated with excitement as the base is set up for the real deal on all aspects.  The Sun is now gaining the higher angles affecting the facing slopes and deteriorating the quality, so be looking for the shady and unexposed shots for best  results.  This is an issue even on the cloudy days following the full Sun influence as you will find crustiness and a less than satisfying descent.  Tomorrow, look for the ignored lines close to the trees and the peripheral sections for the smooth lines which are still quite plentiful due to the low traffic.  I expect low traffic to continue making a vert. fest a great idea for those so inclined.  See you tomorrow. IBBY!!!



Monday was a full on storm day with persistent wind and continuous snow throughout the day.  The density was high with gropple building up offering a smooth and carve-able surface top to bottom. The buff rubbed off on the West facing as the day wore on creating slick spots which were hard to see with the very limited visibility.  Walk on Trams were easy to make all day, giving you the opportunity to max  out the vertical and get the most out of the soft goodness.   It is now fully socked in here in the valley with snow continuing into the evening.  Tomorrow will offer some great turns for the early birds, but I am sure the quality will hold up well after Noon with the low traffic.  Most of the choke points are still not holding the snow, so use caution as you drop through those obvious sections.  The cover above and below is solid, it just is not sticking to the spots that get the heavy use.  This dense snow will help with that issue as it builds up and blows into these areas.  The wind will play a great role overnight, so be looking for filled in sections on the lift up.  More snow is forecast Wednesday helping the overall average get up to 100%.  I am thinking that we will see, at least, average snowfall before the year is out.  See you there early and ready to rock!!! Ciao!



Valentine’s Day is a day for sweets and treats and Sunday did not disappoint the faithful who showed up for one of the , in my opinion,  best days of the season.  Yesterday’s wind and gropple filled in all of the North and East facing shots with extra depth  resulting in conditions of Dream Whip quality.  First tracks down the North facing was perfectly smooth and bump free where Friday had significant bumpage wall to wall.  This morning it was full on smooth and buffed by natures own grooming hand.  Again, it gets deeper, but it does not get better, and I had to luxuriate in the rare sumptuosity.  Dang’d it was good and I ain’t lying!!.  Little Cloud opened with epic shots around the bowl.  Mineral basin did not fair as well, as the  wind hammered the fresh and put the thickener to it.  The beautiful blue sky put the icing on the cake with 20 20 vis to make up for the past few days of challenging clarity.  Not too many folks showed up for the big weekend making the lift lines quick and easy.  The West facing was also blessed with very delightful consistency, though it was not quite as deep as the North and East facing it did have the buoyancy and creaminess to give those shots great throw.  I have been waiting for these special shots to smooth out and now I am really getting the most out of them while they hold the big mountain feel.  After all, isn’t that what we strive to experience in the area, that big back country  shot.  I do.   Tomorrow will probably have a fair attendance so hit Mineral Basin first off before the line builds up, then move back to the front as the traffic gets spread out.  T he smoothness held up all day, though the harbor chop began building, but did not deflect the tips as it so often can.  I,ll be on deck dark and early once again tomorrow  to get the best of the morning session.  Be there!!! Peace Out!!



Valley rain this Saturday morning indicated new snow on the hill which was a bit heavier than the righteous Utah light that every one wants, but I will take the extra heft to cover and fill the chop that has been ubiquitous top to bottom.  Yesterday began the cushioning effect, with today’s addition moving the softness factor ever higher.  Visibility was certainly an issue again today making  the trees the place to hang for the light reflection and added definition.  Gad 2 is a universe of trees with good cover and fairly light traffic that can be a great sanctuary away from the frey on the front side and excellent vis. in the fog and snow.  Little Cloud and Powder Paradise remained close today leaving them fresh for a possible opening tomorrow.  I just got a Text to tell me that the canyon is closing this evening for control work, so I would check the road report in the AM. for details before heading up to avoid the log jam.  Tomorrow look for wind transported smoothness in the gut areas that will have the fresh new on top for extra awesomenicity.  I will be checking the road and will be there as I can access the canyon.  Keep your fingers crossed for full access.  I hate the “hurry up and wait” as my get up and go gets up and goes trashing my initial morning stoke.  See you there.  Stop by the Planetary Office and say Hi.  IBBY!!!   P.S>  Canyon will be closed at 6:15 AM Sunday morning at Gate B.  Estimated opening at 8:00 AM.



Instrument flight rules where the rule Friday as the falling snow, driven by a pounding wind, kept the conditions refreshed all day as the tracks filled in almost as fast as you could make a lap.  The West facing shots were taking the hit with transported snow filling in the bump areas with soft pockets, which can be followed to put together a continuous untracked run top to bottom.  The early Trams where so perfect I was getting as much out of each turn as I could.  Again, perfect is perfect no matter where you find it, and find it you will if you make the effort to get there early.  Little Cloud and Powder Paradise have been closed for a couple of days now letting the sauce build up for weekend.  This is the big Presidents day week end and the Tram line reflected the increased traffic by holding a one Tram wait until after noon.  The visibility was seriously problematic sending me to the tree runs that have the close reference points to help out the situation.  The Gad 2 trees are getting very nice with the low traffic and continuous snow fall.  The wind does not hurt that area as much as other areas making it a nice place to escape the crowd.  I will not be attending tomorrow to rest my knees, but I can tell you the snow will be great and worth the effort where ever you look.  The entrances are getting better but Great Scott remains a serious challenge to get into.  If you do go you will find a fairly smooth section there, giving you the best ride in quite a while.  I backed off the approach as it was just too gnarly  for me.  I will wait until it gets more realistic. Rip it up for me.  See you Sunday!!



I had to shovel the walk in front of the trailer this morning, which I did as fast as I could to get going and see what was happening on the hill.  3” of fluff was already down at the parking lot elevation, indicating more up high.  The visibility was iffy at best with snow coming down in waves.  During the 10:00 Am hour it snowed over 2” covering my poles which had fallen off the rack.  I though that they had been liberated, but on closer examination, a hint of gray indicated the location directly below where they had been.  Needless to say, the new snow was a welcome and sweet treat to cover the harder snow below.  The big bumps still were in play with just a little cushion provided by the  5” that was happening in the upper elevations, but I stayed with the groomers to keep the smooth line under my feet.  The lower Primrose Path was still good to go after holding up all day yesterday, providing the goods that I predicted yesterday.  MMMMM goood!!!  I just kept lapping that line all morning to take advantage of the extra visibility provided by the trees.   I did venture out to Baldy where the soft snow helped the overall feel of the underlying chop.  Very light traffic rewarded the very few who showed up for the festivities, again, making the Trams roomy and fully back to back.  The temps were moderate with 20 Degrees on the peak making my choice of just a shell a reasonable  one.  I have been caught under gunned in the clothing department when I “dress for how I want it to be”.  As the afternoon progressed the chop started to build sending me home for the day and a rest for the knees.  The forecast looks to be bringing a bit more of the sauce in the next few days before the High Pressure builds in, so take advantage of the great snow, nicely covered pitches, and the very light traffic.  Get there early for best results.  IBBY!!!



“The Chef” deemed today Cruztacular.  I asked him how to spell it and this is what he came up with. The lack of interest left the Tram and the hill wide open with light walk on lifts.  I am sure those guys made the 50 Trams in 2 days yesterday, so they where on the gas.   The off trail remains soft with bumps, however the lines seem to be round enough to offer some relief from the pounding.  I have been aiming for the tops of the bumps when I encounter them, placing the turn right on top while avoiding the troughs.  Dialing the speed back helps my knees deal with the bumps.  The temps remained cold with clouds and variable visibility making some of the runs tough to see.  The sun did come out for nice stretches, but clouds moved in later in the day with light flurries in the mix.  It looks like more clouds moving in for tomorrow, making the lighting problematic.  The Groomers will still hold up and be trust worthy, as they held up all day today with no deterioration.  The lower part of Primrose Path was Groomed for only the second time of the season providing the full on half pipe feel top to bottom.  The edges of that run remained so velvety that I took extra turns to get as much as I could of that rarity.  It was still good to go when I left after last Tram, so it will be still the call on the lower mountain first thing in the AM..  I am really enjoying the half full Trams with room to walk around and mingle.  Nice!   See you first thing for more  high speed fun.   Peace out!!!



Tuesday morning had clouds clinging to the peaks as I drove up in the morning, but they moved off in time for first Tram making for a blue bird morning.  Light traffic all day made back to back Trams easy to do.  Two seekers were trying to get 50 laps in 2 days.  That is a lot of runs in any event.  The Groomers were just a touch tricky as they had Kitty Litter strewn about.  While good carving was no problem, the little marbles created a variable feel overall.  The off trail still has the chop going on and  I avoided it with just short forays into the sections just to test the smoothness factor.  Only a good strong wind storm will begin to move the product into the proper areas.  In the mean time lots of lines still are to be had if you look for the ignored aspects.  Some noses and guts are sporting strong lines that need to be worked a bit more, but have the basis for some future goodness.  Thunder Bowl is now open with soft snow still to be found and good cover in general.  Watch the snags in the lower area out there.  Light traffic is keeping the slopes wide open to the point that I was able to fly the wings in the late afternoon with open runways and smokin’ softness.  There is always highlights to be found every day if you take the time to look and use a bit of imagination.  The cold temps kept the snow from setting up, so tomorrow will provide more great snow all over with the softest to be found in the North facing sections and in the far flung sections.  Fast and charging will be the call in the AM., so eat your Wheaties!!!  IBBY!!!