Archive for February, 2009

Power drive


Today took full power drive .  Left overs from yesterday were totally blastable.  Smoothness underneath made the big shots solid top to bottom.  The wind and snow density began showing signs of thickening as the day progressed .  The back bowl opened and took a lot of pressure off the the front side..  Back side was great by all reports as I took advantage of the walk on situation at the Tram.  Snow continued lightly all day and was ultra light.  The sun made a few appearances and some were given a surprise sunny run.  Bonus!!!  The weather looks like we are going to see some warming  which will mean that special attention to aspect will become more important as we get further into the season.  The shade areas will still be holding and more snow looks good for next week.  The beach was THE location for a special birthday festivity with a stellar turn out even as the wind and snow swirled around.   A fitting end to a great day!!

Storm Day


On the morning news there was a story about a semi which had over turned on I 15 and spread hamburger all over the highway and there was a massive traffic tie up and nobody was going any where fast.  I found this amusing in light of an old Fire Sign Theatre bit about hamburger on the highway in Mystic  Conn.  I had a feeling it was going to be one of those days !!  Got up early and it was snowing super hard and the first tram was delayed due to the pace of snow fall.  The powder folks were well represented and there was a massive skier tie up and no one was going any where fast.  Then they closed  the mountain for control and more waiting.  Meanwhile the snow kept coming with “Gusto”.   It was deep and getting deeper!!!  Finally things got rolling and the fun began.  The wind played a big roll in the consistency .   The lower mountain skied much better than the upper but it was all good.  As I sat in the Cliff Lodge  it was unreal the pace of the snow fall and the ,sometimes, horizontal direction it was going.  Yikes.  Full on hard core snow storm .  Getting back to the valley at 5:00pm  it seemed that things were clearing off but I am not convinced. I think lake effect will take over tonight for more freshness tomorrow.  Even though there was a lot of waiting it was really great to spend the time with so many  friends on such a day .  You can find greatness if you look for it.  Tomorrow, Yes!!!!

Big wind Big fun


The day dawned overcast with high clouds so viability was good.  Wind was nuking out of the south so the classic north shots were in rare form and no one showed up.  The big smoothing hand blended the natural and machine grooming seamlessly together.  The cat crew polished off lower sections to a fairthee well and the buff was totally over the top with peak to bottom goodness  MMM  MMM!!!  Walk on trams and howling wind put together a sweet combination of rippable options.  Most bumps are now eliminated so new snow will have a very nice substrate and drilling the fall line will be good to go.  The wind seemed to mellow out a bit as the day progressed but most leeward catchalls were filled.  Some spots had breakable slab but others were supportable and covered in butter.I took a long recon look around and lower sections had not yet fully received the windage so there could be a few surprises but not to worry.  It felt like skiing a big desert all day.  Such  sweet fluffulecence.



Perfectish is how the Revatola put it.   Honkin winds on the peak and scouring transport with yesterdays snow had  re distributed it in some very nice places.. Wind out of the south east placed long rivers of deep deposits.  As the wind increased these areas started to slab over but later, with traffic, became hero snow where one can do no wrong.   Visibility was great all day .   The tram went down at 11:00 am with some electrical problems but was back up running  for the rest of the day.  Did some recon runs and  found the snow deep and soft in the trees.  The deeper in the softer.  Bump build up is negligible and snow quality buffered the ones that remain.  The cat crew, again, did a masterful job of punching some big fall line shots which made me feel like I was in the Tri chutes;  big long and steep.  Just perfect.     Checked things out in the back bowl and the wind had affected it to some degree.  The snow  was still very pleasant but demanded attention.   Looks good for the next storm and tomorrow should be low traffic and wicked smooth.  I’m looking forward to it.   Hydrovelvet!!!

Sun dog sky


Beautiful clear morning with the peak dead calm on the early trams.  Once again a few inches of angle dust freshened every thing up.  Continued cold temps have kept the snow quality excellent all over.  Cold smoke every where I looked.  The sun was partially obscured by high clouds as the next storm approaches.  Light wind is unusual during an approach but we’ll see.  Touring opened today and I took a quick look see and it was really perfect.  What a treat to be out there and take your time with the line.  Clouds continued to increase and a large sun dog around the sun was  a good sign of things to come.  They have not been wrong yet. Established bump areas continue to be tricky with the light density not giving much in the way of slack .  Ignored areas still are fairly smooth and consistent and will be first call with new snow.  Temps remained cold all day and the lights went out as snow started filling in for the next go round!!!!  The weather looks promising and I think this will be a Feb. for the books.   Continued machine work has been unreal and those areas are holding up for some days so remember those .  It is the deep zone now.

In the thick of it


The cycle continues and today brought another dusting of goodness.  The early trams were unreal with fresh grooming and 3” of new to frost it.  The cat crew did some interesting shots and rare at that.  The large extremities  are deep and soft.  There where some sporadic snow impulses which sat on certain areas and dumped.   The sun made some appearances but was just finding the windows as the clouds rolled through.  The bumps are beginning to show through with the small , though fantastic, deposits, we will get the next dump soon so , no worries.  I checked west facing and old crunch is only barely there so you can carry the line .  The deep trees in most locations are still very deep and soft.  Some of the more open shots are setting up a touch.   The wind was not playing a large roll today but may overnight with the next installment approaching.  Not too much traffic today with walk on trams for most of the day.  Visibility went all over just depending on where you where.  Real nice when you could see.  There may be canyon concerns in the AM so call on the road.

Fluff n butter


Another 3 to 4” dusting overnight and light snow falling for first tram.  The groomed runs were special with the fresh covering.  Like butter!!!!.   Visibility remained variable all day and did not give the sun a chance to cause any thickening.  It is great every where you choose.   Light winds have helped keep the pack from getting slabby and more is in the forecast.  We try to get all the air out of it but it just keeps coming…well ok, keep it coming.  Shots are getting fat and entrances much more realistic.  Will have to watch the wind and see what transpires in the morning so check that on the weather link.  Be sure to wear your locator.  All is good take your pick and dig deep!!

dang’d deep day.


Yet another totally blower day.  It is all just frosting on the cake from here on.  Mini B  was sunny on first tram and front side was still storming hard.  It was like two separate dimensions .  Wind kissed the back side ever so slightly but it was  really nice.  Snow continued all day with the lightest of light lacey flakes.  When the sun popped out briefly there  was this 2 ” layer of angel dust on the  top of the new.  Very rare sight.  Toured around and found all aspects skiing great.  The weather says a small break and more up stream so this is turning into a great cycle.  Big turn out today and tram was packed.  I opted for some chairs for a while and got back in deep quickly.   Cloud cover really preserved the snow so tomorrow should be great  all over.   Pick your spot !!!!

Deep deeper deepest


A magical day with the canyon closing right behind me after a motorist left the road.   Snowing harder than hard with first tram going off on time.   Some run restrictions to start but Mini B opened up and drew some of the folks after road had re opened.  A solid 12” out of the shoot but multiple inch per hour rate kept the depth building at an amazing rate.  By 1:00PM there were suffocating shots and a reduction in attendance occurred as the road was closing again for shooting.   Walk on trams and totally blower conditions continued till the bitter end with the road re  opening for short window.      The bottom crunch has all but gone though bump remnants remain but are softly cushioned by the new.  Wind was a large factor but did not seem to be getting slaby on the hammer side and was double deep on the lea side.   Fresh lines still to be found on last tram . More over night snow in the forecast so canyon closure in the Am could be problematic but that comes with the territory.   MEGA day !!!!

What a difference a day makes


A smattering of fresh overnight,combined with yesterday’s application made the beginnings of a rather nice day.  The bottom was still fully in play but was mitigated a bit by the heavier density snow.  Continued massaging will help the overall consistency but that will take more product which, apparently, is well on  the way.  North facing is still got some bump build up and west facing still has the crunch factor going.  Continued vigilance is still in order .   I got caught several times today but remained standing; I hate to fall, I might break a hip.   Took a couple of sojourns to the outer reaches to check things out and  found some fluff looking north and large bumps further to the west.  Popular shots still taking a beating so a sizable dump will be required to get that back in shape.   Snow tonite and stormage tomorrow will put the best face on and will, no doubt, get better as the day progresses.   Major reefs are starting to get covered suffiiently and can be given closer passes.   Wind still a factor and there is more snow to transport so follow the wind .   That’s a   wrap.   Later.