Archive for January, 2012



Just like shots of Tequila lined up on the bar, the impulses are lined up to make us drunk with the Essence.  I will be falling off the stool before this is all over.  The Trailer was rocking hard in the prefrontal wind, and the rain was insistent on the skin, signalling that the hill was getting hammered again, even though Mr Weather Presenter said it would come mid day.  I am not going to complain about the timing, however, the rain did  turn to snow on the bench at 2:30PM, so I guess they were right about that.  From the chatter that I was hearing, the chairs were opening as available, with a large turn out of the faithful to partake of the goodness.  The Canyon will be closed in the morning, so plan on a wait, especially as it is still coming down hard here at the Trailer as I write this, so check the road report before heading out.  Conditions?  It’s going to be big.  Many lines are going to be good to go now, that were less than advisable just the other day. So here we are, standing on the threshold of a dream.  I will see you there when I can casually arrive.  Ciao!!



The first Tram went off on time this morning, with a 20 Degree temp, and a strong wind blowing out of the North .  Visibility was vague at best until you got below the first 500′.  The wind had blown the sections smooth, featuring some of the best carvelicious texture of the season, punctuated by blown clean sections of glaze that made it that much more interesting.  Over all, the icy sections were sparse, and well cushioned by the fresh Natural Grooming, making today another solid step toward that picture post card that we know and love. The forecast is for some snow tonight, with  the next installment moving in tomorrow mid day,  so we are in the zone.   What an exciting time it is to be here.  I have been going off trail, skiing runs I have avoided, and while I have nicked a couple of rocks here and there, the cover is improving quickly, though some of those heavily bumped lines still remain well defined, but have been much more negotiable  with the wind filling in the troughs.  Keep an eye out for Mineral to open tomorrow. It is just a hunch, so keep an eye out.   I still have not even looked into Rat’s Nest to see how it looks, but I will be taking a look soon as we get this snow worked in.  I want to be surprised instead of terrified.  It has been getting some traffic, so it must be improving, especially since thy installed that plastic carpet on the upper section.  I will be off tomorrow for R and R, so I’ll see you  Sunday.  Peace Out!!



Faithfully in attendance.

The first real solid installment of freshness was delivered overnight, which drew the Faithful early for the first tracks.  The warm temps of the morning, coincided with the high density, Spackle like quality, which was the perfect quality to cover, and stick to the existing snow pack.  I skied lines I would not have skied yesterday for any reason.  Today it was a new ball game.  The energy was super high, with the pent up energy being released in some fine displays of fall line commitment where ever you looked.  The other side of that feature is the need to be checking the surrounding activity to avoid moving into some one’s  full fall line assault.  Can’t blame them for committing to the line, so special attention is warranted.  There was an amazing amount of slide activity coming out of all the steep pitches, which had deposited some of the debris out on the open slope, featuring shrubberies and other assorted vegetation.  It did not present any real problem, but it did indicate the power of the snow.  Tomorrow, look for more accumulation overnight, with  the main runs being given the smoothing treatment.  Some of the high aspects were groomed by the wind during the day today, so the peripheral sections will offer some of Mother Natures finest grooming for the early risers.  The density of the snow was buoyant and luxurious, with out the stickiness that such moisture content might indicate, so the conditions have moved into another level entirely.  Gone is the skittering and sliding, hoping for some traction, now you can dial the line and arc the turn-  Thank You!!!  I forgot what that felt like.  See  you in the AM. as we get to knock the air out of another batch!!! IBBY!!



It was nuking on the Peak this morning, with much warmer temps., ahead of the front.  The tenderizing efforts helped the snow pack, but there were still many glazed spots to negotiate top to bottom.  The Guns had produced some nice Gun Powder on Regulator, making the break over section velvet smooth as the wind blew the product around.   Mineral was closed today, but that was not going to be anything special anyway.  Tomorrow, is  toss up.  I’m thinking, let the Essence come as it will, check the road report early, and look forward to the beginning of something good!!!  Remember the reefs are stripped bare by today’s high winds, so they will be in play underneath the next installment, just keep them in mind.  It will be nice to look forward to additional terrain to become available, as safety permits.  I will have a more detailed assessment when I see what we get.   I got to meet BOSCO   ” THE LAND LINE” , who was the song writer for Milli Vanilli, back whenever, today!!   Here is a shot I took on the Tram. We had a spirited discussion about the fact that no one can make a turn for you.  You have to go top to bottom your self.  We agreed, and tore up the run!!  Good times!!  IBBY!!!!

BOSCO " The landline"



It was 8 below Zero this morning with just light wind.  Significant tenderization efforts had improved the dance floor immeasurably.  Regulator was still firm, but had some sumptuous Gun Powder, which had wafted well down the slope to provide some nice turning.  I slowed way down at this point to get as much of the velvet goodness as possible.  The low temp. really required covering the exposed skin.  I got a bit frost bit yesterday, so I was not going to just ignore the hazard.  With the sunny skies, the visibility made sojourns out to the more peripheral lines more rewarding.   The little snow helped soften the ride, though the under current was still bouncing me around a bit.  I have no idea about the timing on the forecast for the snow arrival, but it seems we will be getting a little at a time.  I have been paying special attention to the reefs that are now exposed, especially in Mineral Basin, so that I know what to stay away from.  The snow in the Cirque looks very nice, but the access is tricky on the traverse and the Rat’s Nest entrance.  Also, remember how rasty upper Silver Fox is right now, and new snow will just mask the grater!  We are in for some real fun in the near future, so stay tuned.  See you on the Bucket!!   Peace Out!



I left the trailer early this morning just ahead of The Wall Of Voodoo, which was moving across the Valley as I gained the bench area.  There was just a light dusting of the lightest Essence on the parking lot, with the snow fall hitting hard as I parked.  The peak was Zero degrees, with the wind blowing hard,  more snow on the Plaza than on the peak, and visibility that was marginal at best.  Tenderizing efforts were sparse and the overall snow pack was like powdered sugar on polished marble.  I am not going to sugar coat it; it was difficult and tested all of my skills in dealing with the glaze.  The lower Men’s Downhill Chute was particularly wild as I put on the brakes before cresting the drop only to find no bite at all.  I felt like a Pig On Ice trying to gain a purchase on the glaze to deal with the situation.   Regulator Johnson was also very glazed, with almost zero visibility, and only one pass of tenderizing to get an edge into, if you want to call it that.  The storm was fast moving and did not deposit much, so tomorrow will offer continued slick and tricky conditions, though the visibility might be a bit better.  I went out to Powder Paradise to check  that line out, only to find the the continued slickness resident out there as well.  The off trail out there looked rough and not inviting at all.  This week promises much more accumulation, so I look at this as a transition day going into the pattern we have been waiting for.  I have faith in the Promise of the Wasatch!!!  Be on first Boat for the best of the day.   IBBY!!!



Wild Texture

As anticipated, a high cloud deck kept the Sun from shining through in full force.  It tried to peak through from time to time, so I went out to Mineral Basin to get another look at the  area after so much traffic.  The Sun, wind, and traffic has revealed most of the hazards, leaving some obvious lines to follow.  However, the Interference Patterns developed rapidly in the guts of the open areas.   The Baldy Express and Lupine Loop are tricky as you go through the middle section,with the South facing cliff bands being totally bare right now, so keep that in the back of  your mind  when that area opens after the next big dump.  Regulator was extremely firm, with only sparse dust to use for traction with which to control the speed.  I was in full glide mode, trying to just guide the direction without setting an edge.  They have changed the rope line around the Snow Gun at the bottom of Regulator, so give that some extra room going around that corner.  There is going to be some fresh overnight, so use your knowledge of the existing lines to get the most out of the hill.  Any addition to the snow pack will help out greatly, but expect variable exposure to the now existing firmness to create some issues in line consistency.  Most of the lines will become available as the consolidation of the old snow will keep you from punching through in most areas, though I saw an individual land a jump only to break through the old layer and was still digging his skis out of an enormous hole three runs later.  He finally got them, so he dodged a bullet.   See you for first Tram.  BE well!!   Ciao!!



It was a beautiful morning, with clear skies, and a hot cup of coffee to give my foot a push.  I got to sit down and look at the weather prospects, and it is looking like we are going to see a significant change in the pattern.  All of the chatter is fairly encouraging.   Any addition will be welcome, but a solid cycle would not hurt.  We can expect continued firmness as in the past, and if the high clouds move in ahead, the light could be a bit flat.  Keep in mind that the bottom of Regulator is getting tougher to dump speed when you are going into the turn, so be aware of that and get the turn over with early.  The Gobblin Gully section coming out of LItte Cloud is very sketchy,  with a lot of rocks, abrupt bumps, and little options on the sides.  It is best to go over to Hoopie’s and by pass that section.  Tomorrow, look for the early Trams to be kicking it out, and Mineral Basin is going to be worth looking at again, especially in anticipation of snow.  It is best to know where those reefs are now.   I am looking forward to getting back on the hill,  see you on the first Boat!!




Mineral Basin opened this morning, looking full in places and stripped in others.   I dropped Silver Dipper off the gun first thing, as it looked fairly flush, but it turned out to be very wind slabbed.  I did not hit any rocks all the way down by staying in the gut of the gully. Some of the younger kids were making it look easy, but the off trail was work for me.  The Groomer out in Powder Paradise was really fun, offering natural snow top to bottom that carved just like I remember.   By Noon it was getting scraped down to the old layer, and the interference patterns were building with the traffic.  Regulator was offering some stellar Gun Powder that was depositing on the slope hundreds of feet below each gun.  The slick surfaces are still predominate, especially after Noon, however the sides till are holding up.   Tomorrow look for another day of deep focus on the fall line as it keeps you guessing turn by turn.  Mineral Basin will offer some of the best runs of the day before they get worked so make that a priority.  The days have been starting out a bit brisk, but it warms up nicely.  See you Sunday.   IBBY!!!



Another cold morning greeted the morning crew.  I pulled out the Wings to take advantage of the low traffic, but was forced to abort take off down Regulator, when the combination of flat light, snow gun wash, and a lower apron littered with frozen cookies of assorted sizes, which may or may not have been frozen to the surface, thwarted my ambitions.   It was not the cookies one could see, it was the ones that were hiding in the flat light that would get you, so I killed the engines and just taxied quickly to the locker to trade out hand devices for something more traditional.  The Snow Guns were kicking out the Gun Powder relentlessly, filling in the tracks from one Tram to the next, offering some of the best snow on the hill.  The only caveat was is that there was some serious glaze to contend with as you came off the buffed area.  Chips Run offered a bit better traction for the morning session before things got skied off.  Just a look to the sides of the trail will reveal some traction to deal with the speed issues going into the congested areas.  It is rumored  that Mineral Basin will open in the morning, so that will expand the playing field significantly, though reports coming from there have been mixed, with some cautionary reports of some rocks on the Path to Paradise that might present some problems, and should be anticipated if you get that opening.  Be careful anywhere you go back there, knowing that the snow pack is still quite thin.  I will go out to

Dr. Pepper

get a good look, and will report in full tomorrow.    Here is a shot of Dr. Pepper himself taking advantage of some supplemental fortification of this popular drink that just happens to share his surname.   The good Dr. mentioned that, in his considered opinion,  I should stop using the aluminum foil hats, letting the full force of the Cosmic Communications blast through.  Hmmmmm.  That could be problematic.  I will just have to consider the ramifications.    Peace Out!!