Archive for March, 2009

Winds Of Change


Saturday morning was balmy.  It is my day off from the hill but I feel that the overall conditions have remained,virtually, unchanged.  That said, with the approaching system or systems , it would be good to review the overall complexion of the hill.  Once it gets covered up you won’t really see what lies beneath.  The high North facing has smoothed considerably but still sports some low amplitude bumps.  The big North facing is much smoother but gets increasingly rustic as you clock to the West or East.  West, South, and East facing saw a lot of sun and enough traffic to heavily texturize the very soft afternoon slurppee,  which will be none to pleasant with 10” of 6% on the frozen crustitude;  you will feel all of it so be aware of that.  The high North will still have that winter feel , but will still be firm.  The trees have very well established bumps overall and, again, the North facing still holds the cold so won’t be as bone jarring as East and West so charge these sections with discretion…or not!  Certainly today’s wind had nothing to transport so that factor is out, but hopefully some higher density will begin the cycle and give us a bit of cushion.  Keep you fingers crossed and keep dancing!!!

Corn Goodness


Friday was much warmer, going in, than any day this week.  The High north aspects still are holding the dry chalk and have not fallen to the heat.  Upper Primrose was buffed with sensational snow.   The lower mountain was truly in the grip of the freeze.  Mineral Basin went off early and was basking in the sun creating corn goodness top to bottom.  The North facing was still holding , but was becoming a tad worked.  The overall softening, on the front side, did not commence until 12:00 Noon when, slowly,  the runs gave way to the softness.  Beautiful sun was unobstructed by clouds and the heat wave was cooking it all, with the exception of the high North.  A storm, moving into the area next week, will begin accelerating the wind and moving the temps up even higher.  Look to Mineral again for early morning rippage and move with the sun as the day progresses.  High North aspects are still becoming smoother with the wear and can be counted on early as well, but one must find escape on the lower mountain.  Re tilling on Who Done It is generally done in the morning, but not guaranteed, so check the grooming report for the update.  The Softening will be a touch earlier tomorrow due to the increasing Southerly flow and warmer morning so do not lollygag to long.  Very light traffic persists so ,virtually, unlimited vertical is possible if you so desire.. Have a great day and make a run for me !!!

Very Crispy


Thursday morning began, as the others had, with a touch of cold air.  The High North facing still is holding the cold and chalk and responding to the continued wear with some smooth sections.  West facing held off till 1:00PM . The Mineral Basin was a touch slow softening , but broke with nice sherbet consistency.  The front side still had fully edge-able corduroy until the lower mountain where the softening did not start till 12:30 PM.  The cat crew had re tilled Who Done It creating an escape route for the morning.  Lower Primrose was buffed but was unapproachable till 1:00 PM, after which it became very spreadably smooth and epic.  Regulator is holding off the longest so do not venture there until it goes off or it’s a clutch situation, which can be avoided.  Out of area touring was open again and is still looking good, but the earlier the better.  Light traffic again today so vertical is only limited by your enthusiasm.   High cloud cover moved in after lunch and slightly backed of the bake factor.  Tomorrow migh be a tad quicker softening if the cloud cover persists and the temps remain high so the corn might go off earlier.  Put and edge on and get out early!!!

High Noon


Wednesday morning had a distinct nip to the air. I knew it was going to be crisp on the hill and it did not disappoint.  The Peruvian side held the winter chill much better than the Gad side which was fully bullet proof on the West facing .  Mineral was softening a bit slower than yesterday with the colder temps, but softened nicely on the South facing and East facing came around quickly.  Follow the sun for best results.  Out of area touring was open to the Twins as well as Gad 2 and reports of good corn came back with the tours.  High  Noon was the breaking point in general and the softening worked it’s way up the hill.  Big Emma really held of till 1:00 PM, but was edgable with a fresh till for traction.  Who Done It was also given the re till so that was the go to run for the before breakfast crowd. Tomorrow should have similar timing so plan accordingly, But ,in my opinion, the AM is vacant and good to go with no problems.  See you on first tram for the morning ROCK session!!!

Time For A Toon


Tuesday  morning brought some high comedy for the hard corps as they took a beating on the hard overnight freeze.  High North facing remained dry and chalky , but the lower mountain, which warmed up yesterday was very interesting and gave us a bit of a foot massage.  Fast and furious was the pace for the morning session.  Mineral was the call for softer thawed corn in the Am and will be the first to soften tomorrow as well. The direct South facing was good to go by 10:00AM, but the Gad side held off for 1:00PM when aspects started to break.  The cooler wind picked up in the afternoon holding the temps down a touch but softening was in full effect giving the snow a very spreadable consistency and was only problematic in a couple glue spots.  The freeze, overnight,  will make the morning session similar to today but that was good in the select areas so no need to wait till later in the morning, but waiting will buy you softer conditions in more places.  The WINGS were flying low and fast until the slope got crowded and had to go back to the  hanger.  Light traffic kept lines non existent all day.  Take advantage of the spring goodness!!!

Heat Wave


Monday morning brought warmth where there had been cold.  The wind was stout out of the South, top to bottom, which helped keep the sun from doing very much damage as it rose in the sky.  The big North facing shots are getting smoother with wind and wear and the groomers remain the best choice in the AM by taking advantage of the silky dryness the crew leaves behind.  Mineral had some beautiful runs set to go right off and was sunny and warm.  South and West facing, as well as the lower mountain, began to respond to the warm temps after 1:00 PM. having a buttery and, oh so carvable, consistency.  Only a couple flat areas had the dreaded glue spots.  High clouds moved in late in the day but skiing was all but over by then.  Tomorrow should still have good North exposures and the West and South should be saved for later.  Light attendance made for max vertical.  Just go till you can’t go no more!!!

Chill Zone


Sunday morning had been predicted to be a bit stormy, but the sun was out and the cold north westerly flow was still holding, keeping the temps brisk.  The South and West facing exposures had been affected by the high sun angle and was a tad crusty for the morning.  The North facing still held some nice soft dry snow.  The lower mountain had machine cream stirred up to treat us to some very nice cold dust.  There were some extraneous cookies here and there,  but nothing that could not be avoided.  The light was a bit flat and overnight wind had driven pine cones over the run giving some needed definition.  Very light traffic, once again, left lift access unimpeded for the vert crew .  Temps struggled upward but were held short by the light overcast and cold breeze.  The crud in North facing is still winter like, but requires a more technical approach.  I don’t see tomorrow being too much different than today with even lighter attendance.  Spring break is coming up so expect attendance to remain constant; early morning for the best rockin runs.  I think the wings might make an appearance this week.  Going super sonic;  KABOOM!!!

Sunny Saturday


Spring is creeping back slowly but surely with warmer temps day by day.  The Final of the Freeride Contest is today so the crowds should be light on the lifts and all systems GO.  The temps are still low enough so that most areas will stay dry but those that see the direct sun will be getting wet and will refreeze overnight to be a bit crusty in the AM.  The good news is that there are plenty of alternatives to hold you over till softening occurs.  The forecast is for a brush by tomorrow so the light might be a bit off, but no matter when you know the run is baby butt smooth.  Remember those crusty ones and adjust accordingly .   Well it is back to the couch for me, see you all tomorrow!

Cold Air Hangs Tough


Friday morning still had the cold northerly flow in force.  Blue bird day in the offing and some unreal grooming to start the fire.  The Down Hill in Mineral was race ready and wide open just for us.  Took a tour of the south facing and found that the cold had held off the melt which left those groomers dry and chalky.  The Freeride Contest was in session on the Silver Fox -Upper Cirque section so those areas remained out of play, but the contestants were shredding it with awesome performances!!!  The patrol shot several sections of the cornice in Little Cloud with spectacular slides down Old Reliable.  This area remained closed until the cats straightened out the slide debris after which we were treated to wide and smooth ball room dancing!!  You have to love perfection and take advantage of it when and where you find it.  The crud is still stiffening up over all , but remains quite soft and pliable in the deep north facing trees.  The lower elevations are becoming even stiffer and bumpier with  increased traffic .  Light traffic, again, left the lift lines free for maximum vertical.  The cold and light north breeze kept  most aspects carvable.  The due south faces got a touch moist but not terminal so they can still be counted on for goodness later tomorrow when the sun plays them.  Be sure and take in the Finals of the Contest which will be held on West Baldy ensuring a spectacular finale to a great week of full throttle rock and roll.

The Big Chill


Thursday morning started with very cold air and the darkness that day light savings brings to the first few runs.  Very light attendance, overall, kept the tram at a walk on level all day.  The contest was still working the West Baldy aspect and did not impinge on the runs at all.  The groomed corduroy was groovalicious, wall to wall, with a  dry chalky consistency where ever the big buff had been applied.  Yet another rare lower mountain shot got the nod this morning giving this steep long real estate a silky sheen like a fleece blanket.  Soooo Goood!!! The temps stayed briskly cold without much let up and all aspects remained winter like despite the high sun angle.  Again, only the most direct south facing aspects were dampened by the sun and will be crusty in the AM.  Touring opened today and will remain so tomorrow with great reports coming back from tours.  The crud is beginning to get set up with the continued cold and is getting a bit stiff but blastable if you carry enough speed , but it also gives way to slower meticulous round turns if one has the patience to approach it in this way;  so take your pick. The forecast is for continued warming so the day should be great for the faithful as well as the contestants.  Remember to give those south faces some time in the AM and take advantage of continued winter chalk.  See you on first boat!!!