3-21-14 by dave

The leaves broke out of the buds on the tree here at the Trailer after the recent temps made them feel the Spring Fever.  Everyone is amping for the the warmth, and the recent warm up is fueling the feeling.   On the hill, the morning chill has kept those South facing aspects very crispy, as well a the associated groomers that need a bit of time to thaw out.  I took the Lewis and Clark sojourn, but made a hasty retreat back to the front of the hill to take advantage of the dry coldness still holding strong in the pack.  West facing aspects should be avoided in the early hours as well, as it takes a while for the Sun to get high enough to work the magic.  When the snow pack broke, it offered some very nice lines if you followed the Sun and stayed with the goodness as it unfolded around the clock.  Here is a shot of one of the new lines that has never been punched out before, and the North facing exposure ensured that it was cold dry and chalky.  Nice touch from the Grooming Crew.  Tomorrow, look for some weather to be moving through, but it seems to be a dry front, so not much precipitation is expected.  Look for those North facing aspects to still be holding the cold, but lower down on the hill might be a bit crispy to start things off. Look for those freshly mowed sections that have been tenderized with a fresh till.  The hill is still in great shape and the recent warmth has not yet affected the cover.   I was passing by lower Chips Run where they had parked the Air Med ship for a demonstration.  I was able to get up close and get this shot.  It is nice to know that if there is a need there are such resources close at hand.  See you Sunday.  Stay Frosty!!DSC01993DSC01990

One Response to “SPRING FEVER”

  1. SteveO says:

    I miss ya man I’ve been working Shit My job is getting in the way. Good thing I have the next ten days off. Thanks for keeping me informed on hill conditions. CIAO Steve “O” OUT

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