4-11-12 by dave

We saw the last of the Sun for the next few days as the weather in the Pacific begins to work it’s way into the Front.  This morning was quite balmy, though the wind made the temps feel a touch brisk.  The front of the hill had frozen solid, with only marginal tenderizing efforts making the traction sparse on the easiest runs. Mineral Basin was offering the Sun softened groomers that made the morning a blast, with Baldy Express offering the private resort feeling.  There, were some very carvacious groomers that let the skis slice luxuriant turns which felt like back country corn.  I keep mentioning the back country feel to impart the high quality of the lines made available by machines, which bring you very close to that experience that a long hike brings.  The front side of the hill began to break by 11:00 AM when the previously diamond plate nastiness slowly transformed into the sensual carpet of corn goodness only spring can bring.  There is a perfection to that kind of corn surface that draws hikers to begin early, then wait for the proper moment to taste the delicacy.  Here it can be accessed with a bit of patience and an attention to the movement of the Sun.  By 2:00 PM the entire mountain had thawed just as clouds were moving in, cooling the pack, and holding off the stickies.  Tomorrow, look for some accumulation, but be aware that it is going to take some serious depth to cover the frozen slush piles on the off trail expanses.  The hard pan will present some very tricky problems, especially if it is hampered by some visibility issues.  The High North was hit with the heat, and was a bit crispy, though the smoothness factor there is still holding up.  This is looking like it could be an interesting cycle, so keep you fingers crossed for another LCC Miracle.  Here is a shot of that crystal wave that keeps braking in ultra slow motion.  IBBY!!

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