Archive for November, 2012



Today was the first day of Tram operation of the season, and there was a very excited group waiting for the first car to ascend the cables.  Anticipation is always the hardest part, but there was some good turns to be had off the top.  Regulator was groomed with some loose snow to gain traction, and the steep pitch was not as sketchy as I thought.  Peruvian Gulch was fairly well covered, though the off trail areas still had very gnarlitudinous sections to be sure.  There are open holes where the warm rocks have melted the cover and areas where the wind blew

Hurry up and wait.

off the cover leaving scree deposits just inches below the surface.  I tested out Anderson’s hill just for drill and found it to be doable, but very sketchy and thin.   I did the Rat’s Nest entrance into Great Scott because it was open, and that was a huge mistake as all the cover had been scraped to the ground.  Some folks were taking off their skis and walking in, but I just sucked it up and used the entire edge to keep some semblance of stability as the folks who took the skis off were grasping at straws trying to maintain.  Once in the shot I found nice cover, though the overnight precipitation had left something of a grabby crust to deal with.  A good adventure, but not worth going back until there is more snow in the entrance.   Tomorrow, look for some additional accumulation from the unsettled impulses that have been moving through all day and are predicted to continue into tomorrow.  The terrain features are in super high relief, so expect abrupt changes in terrain continuity and approach accordingly.  Here is a shot of the line waiting to get their passes, though they came up with a innovative solution and moved it along much faster.   See you for the first Tram in the AM.  Stay frosty!!



Lure of the Essence

It was overcast and mild with a light turn out for today’s festivities.  The markedly warmer temps. made the snow pack seem a bit less  compressed, with the machine worked areas offering some nice velvet.   The light was so flat that you had to look deep into the field to see the variations where the terrain features are in high relief.  Off trail things are settling out revealing much of the sub surface features.  Here is a shot of the Land Sharks swimming just under the snow surface just waiting for someone to venture into the area.  You might get through unscathed, and perhaps not.  The Sun peaked out for just a second so I was able to get this shot in hi definition.  As the day wears on the sides of the main runs maintains some of the soft snow that is getting kicked off, so look for the edges to soften the ride without having to go far afield.  Tomorrow, look for the Tram to open with Chips and Regulator to be in play, but the cover still remains thin, so be aware of the areas you go into.   Remember the grassy areas that were looking so verdant last Summer.  The forecast is for more unsettled weather, so the visibility could be variable again.  It will be great to hit it from the top and ride the Tram with all the electricity focused in one place.   The quads are nice, but the energy vibe on the Tram is unique.   See you there for the first Boat of the season.   Also, watch the black ice  in the bottom of the canyon, as I saw numerous indications of folks who blew into the ditch. BE aware!!!    IBBY!!



It was clear and cold this morning for the opening with the main runs worked, and corduroy providing a fun time for all the seekers who showed up for the opening day.   The coverage was very nice overall with very few rocks on the few main runs that were open off of Gad Zoom.  Seeing everyone back from the Summer adventures was great, trading quick snippets of story until more time was available, but it was time to rock and roll.  Folks were coming out hitting it hard,


going big in a small space, so over the shoulder vigilance was mandatory.  Off the groomed areas  was covered, but the hazards were lurking and those traversing those areas were finding it.  I saw some heinous wipe outs in these areas under the chair where the off trail was being worked.   Care should be taken and as the “Chef” shared;   ” Never get out of the boat.” a line he gleaned from the movie Apocalypse Now.   I thought it was appropriate as the rumble out there was tricky, which is not to say don’t go, but use caution when venturing off trail.  Tomorrow will offer more of the same, though I think the attendance will back off a bit.  They are trying to get the Tram open for Saturday, so one more day of warm up for the larger picture later.   The Sun was out and the air warmed up by 11:00AM when I was able to put the top down and just go with sun glasses and no hat.  Nice!!  It will be very nice sliding again in the morning so plan on fun.   See you there for first chair.  Peace Out!!



Peruvian Gulch

I drove up to the Bird today to have lunch and lock and load the locker for the season.  There is a lot of snow for the opener, with the cats working the groomers to pack it down.  The off trail looks covered, but there are still snag and surprises off the beaten path.  Still it is much better looking than I thought it would look.   I was told by the highest authority that there will be a limited opening on Thursday  with Gad Zoom, Wilbre, and Chickadee providing the lift access.  They will try to get the Tram going as soon as they can.  Here is a fresh shot of the hill from the Canyon Road, where I talked to a couple of hikers who had just come down Little Superior who said it was quite nice indeed.  The Snow Guns are working full time with the expanded water handling capacity covering the high traffic and knobby knoll areas to keep the bottom from cropping up.   Clouds have moved in this afternoon, so perhaps we will get some more impulses coming through off the Lake.  This will be a great opener and the most snow I have seen for the opener for many years.  Get ready for great year.  IBBY!!!



Last week was so warm and toasty, with perfect days for hiking and getting ready for the season.  It was beginning to look a bit dubious that the resort would open on the projected date, but now all that has changed, as the resort has received over  46” of  Essential freshness in the past 3 days.   I drove down Big Cottonwood last night late and I can tell you that there is a lot of snow and the drive down was sketchy in the extreme.  The lake effect has kicked in and is still delivering impulses as I write this at Noon on  Sunday.  The work is being done to get the resort ready to go and it is sure to be one of the epic openers.   Facebook shots of the folks who hiked for turns shows just how good it is already.   While I am thinking of it, the lower canyon is really developing the Black Ice issue in a big way, so even if the road looks dry, moisture has laid in overnight and is just waiting for you, so be advised when going up and coming down.  I will get some real time shots this week, when I go up to load the locker, so stay tuned for the beginning of the daily posts.  Here is a shot   that illustrates the NOW MOMENT.  Remember, it is all in the hands!!!  Ciao!!




I have been enjoying these nice warm days, keeping my short sleeve shirts going until the last minute.  The Trailer was rocking today with the wind cranking ahead of the next system, which, if forecasts come through, will set us up for an on time opening next week.  The discussion in the weather chats is that this storm is a slow mover, which may really add up in a good way.   These warm days have kept the Salt Lake temps high, so perhaps we can see some solid lake effect accumulation as the move through the weekend.  The snow making has been expanded and has been  prepped for action.  Someone had made some nice turns on the freshly made man made on Big Emma last week, getting a jump on the day count for the season.  Here is a shot of a Cat excavator that was parked on the peak for the improvements on the road to Regulator and the expanded area off the top of the top of the Little Cloud chair.   You do not often see a piece of equipment like this at 11,000′ with the American Fork Twin in the background.  Nice for perspective.  The Big Cycle has returned once again only after a very brief space of time to rejuvenate the Essential Medium.   This is going to be a nice storm and will begin the base build up.  Yeah.   Ciao for now.