1-25-18 by dave

The wind giveth and the wind taketh away, and the wind was working wonders as it transported snow to the High North aspects. Shots that were undoable a week ago were filled, smoothed, and ready for fun. Clouds, wind and flat light made the visibility a tad variable, but the big smooth wind lines let you keep it tight without much trouble. The wind also blew pine cones, pine needles, and other assorted organic markers all over the dance floor, making the details in the flat light conditions much easier to discern. It seemed the high wind was going to keep the Tram from running, but it went off without a hitch and let you rack up big vertical with back to back laps. Many of the interference patterns were being filled in by the transported material, and I was able to move out to sections I have been avoiding to see what was what and get a good look at the coming options. Here is a shot of some of the wind sculptures that I found out and about the other day. Tomorrow, look for snow to have fallen overnight adding some freshness to the dance floor. How much will fall? We will just have to show up to find out. I expect a bit more pressure for the goods depending on the reported accumulation. With the off trail sections getting filled in, there will be many more options to put together. The wind really scoured Great Scott, stripping the pack to the ground half way down the slope. Keep that in the back of your mind when working that section. Here is a shot of a random lock in the locker room that I saw as I passed by. The Universe is always sending messages. It got my High School graduating class spot on. “….explode into space….”!!!

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