The snow was driving and whipped by the wind this morning as the day got off to a flying start. Most of the mountain was open right off with a small accumulation overnight. It was the wind that was pumping out of the North East that was transporting the product to the West aspects and the sheltered North lines. I made a long trek out to Wilbre Bowl and Lone Pine, where there was plenty of freshness stacked up with no tracks to be seen top to bottom. The Road to Provo was also offering very deep lines where the wind had left the goods, and it was so great to work them with no pressure. Visibility was at a premium, so I did not venture into Mineral Basin due to the high winds and the scouring of the Eastern aspects. Wherever I went today, I found great lines and the underlying pack was fairly consistent with just some interesting crust popping up that did not cause any issues at all. I took a moment and visited the Summit at Hidden Peak to check out the different specialty stations that are offered. Here is the Panini station with these two ladies ready to press a fresh sandwich. Next to this station is the brick oven pizza station that was offering really great looking pizza that made me want to grab a slice, but I just left the Forklift Chair, so I was good to go.
Right next to this station was the carving station that looked so good with the fresh roasted meats that were calling. There would be lots of folks hitting up these stations for the lunch rush.
Tomorrow, look for more fresh Essence to be on hand, with some of the areas that closed today due to the high winds and the continuous snow fall to be waiting in the wings. The hill is in great shape, with most of the entrances to the big drops becoming much more realistic with each dump. Visibility may still be marginal, and prepare for continued cold temps. Today was quite chilly, and with the wind, it was especially biting. Don’t Forget To SIZZLE!!
2-01-16 by dave