5-06-19 by dave

It was a beautiful morning, with clear skies, a fair freeze, and wide open lines on all sides of the hill. Mineral Basin was offering the first break as the day began, with Lone Star and Silver Dipper-Lower Silver Dipper prepared in exquisite style. The Morning Crew concentrated the efforts on the back but did test out the Peruvian Gulch a bit too early, finding it bullet proof and beat a hasty retreat back to the sorbet goodness of the lines in Mineral Basin. Here is a shot of Timp. to the South looking as massive as ever in the clear morning air.

That huge mountain has seen a lot of Winters, and this has been one of the best.

The front side began to break around 10AM, with The Big Smooth offering that top to bottom ground pounding run to dial up the juice. We were lapping that line till it was time to hit the Gad Valley. With the chair situation, we had to go back into Mineral and slog down the now too soft line to get back to the Peak, where Mark Malu and Regulator were going off and let you stay up high to make the most of the break. Here is a shot of two folks who were hard after the goods and keeping a blistering pace.

Getting the most out of a fantastic morning, with perfect conditions and temps.

Tomorrow, look for some weather to be in the mix. We’ll have to see how the temps work out, but I am betting that it will not freeze too hard, so there will be good lines to start out the day. Showers are in the forecast, so dress for weather. The hill remains fully fat and good to go wall to wall. See you there for the early start. Straight Ahead!!

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