A mixture of Sun and cloud bands moved through the Front today, but the weather that was predicted did not really materialize. The Groomers were the the go to lines after yesterday’s warmth had touched most of the aspects. From my vantage point down here at the Trailer, it looked as if the visibility was variable from time to time and I wondered just how the pack would be influenced today. Here is a shot of the upper section of Pipeline which I took from the Road to Provo. This gives that line some perspective that you don’t get unless you get right in front of it and have the lighting giving it some depth of field. Tomorrow, some light accumulation may have fallen overnight, if the forecast holds up. Temps. will be quite a bit colder as this next system begins to move in, though the cold front is not expected until much later in the day. Once again, visibility may be an issue, so staying with the smooth lines will be an advantage as well as staying close to the trees for the reflected light. Traffic should be moderate and fast laps will be fun to make.
Here is a parting shot of Snoopy digging the Sun and great soft snow on one of the High North aspects. I will be back with a first hand report tomorrow. See you for the opening bell. IBBY!!
3-12-16 by dave