A high cloud deck filled the sky this morning, which strained the full blast of the Sun, and the stout high elevation winds made the air seem a bit brisk. All of those South facing aspects were a bit crispy to start out, but the North facing lines were still holding the cold right down to the bottom of the hill until later, when the ambient warmth began to morph the pack. There was big doings on the Plaza deck as they set up tents for an event that will be held this weekend. The High North off trail aspects were offering some very nice lines, as the wind had transported some nice filler that made those exposures smooth and naturally consistent. As the day warmed, those crispy lines began to soften, offering a more Spring like feel. Here is a shot that Neil took of me yesterday, driving the wide corduroy goodness on Lower Silver Dipper.
This will give you some idea of how great these vacant opening Mineral Basin lines are for the early risers. When it is this good, you can do no wrong. The pack began to get a bit choppy after 1:00PM, so I wrapped it up for the week. Tomorrow, look for some weather to be moving in as the pattern begins to change. The forecast is for a series of storms to roll though all week. The hill is in fine shape to get this added product, and coverage remains excellent wall to wall despite the warm temps.. Those South and West aspects may be crispy once again in the AM. so look to the High North for the still cold product. Here is an interesting shot of the West Twin with Pipeline centering the image which I took from the upper deck of the Summit.
I will be taking the day off tomorrow to rest up for the coming storm fest. Dress for weather and enjoy the smooth offerings as they will be ground pounding fun. IBBY!!
3-11-16 by dave