We got to ride the Tram for the first full day this season, and what a difference a day makes. The Snow guns had really been turning it out, so the main section of Regulator is covered and was knocking it out all day. A little care should be taken as you go through the curtain, as it might provide some variation. I mostly found it to be not a problem, but it exists. Traffic was fairly low for the morning session, but just built lightly the rest of the day. The snow pack is beginning to set up, becoming a tad firmer in places, though there is plenty of traction to work with. Tomorrow, look for good conditions to continue thanks to the great snow making job. I am still amazed how covered some of those reefs are now and how sketchy they used to be, but now there is good cover consistently. Here is a shot of the lower Cirque, which indeed looks inviting, but it is still very thin and needs more, though it wont take too much to get it up to speed. Get ready for another day of preseason conditioning!! Ciao!! Stand by on the photo.
11-26-11 by dave