11-25-11 by dave

This morning was blowing and snowing briskly during the light turn out for first chairs.  The Tram was delayed, so laps on the chair was smooth, consistent, and uncrowded.  The off trail has had a fair bit of traffic, which has revealed most of the hazards, though there are plenty that still persist, as well as some interference patterns that are becoming more abrupt daily.  The Tram opened about 10:30 AM into high winds, threatening  a shutdown.  I was able to get one Tram ride to the top to get a good look before the wind just kicked in a big way, shutting it down.  The main section of Regulator was fairly well covered with the snow making that was on going.  The high winds were really kicking it out, making the visibility marginal.  The off trail on the upper section is much thinner as the wind has been working it pretty hard for the past couple of days.   I am staying close to the center until we get more snow, after which, the conditions off trail will improve rapidly.  Peruvian Gulch remains closed, but we can hope for an opening soon.  Tomorrow look for  some fresh, though small, accumulation to cover the Groomers.  Those morning runs are worth the effort to be there for the smooth buffage. There may be a bit more traffic as well, so plan accordingly.  Here is a shot of the Slag Master, and Snownerd, more commonly known as The Bliss Brothers, who were sporting these great suits in support of One Piece Friday.  A good showing, with Slag Master really

One Piece Friday

bringing it with the full Safety colors.  They had a great day and were going back for more as I was leaving.   See you dark and early.   IBBY!!!

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