5-05-24 by dave

A stout Spring cycle began this morning after a very warm night and barely a freeze on the hill to start the day. The traffic was very light for first Tram, and the pack was pliable and granular. Precipitation began promptly and began dumping with intent. Before long there were inches of freshness on the hill and there were few there to get the goods.

Mikey M taking advantage of the rapid accumulation and smooth substrate out on Baldy. Gettin’ after it!!
Mark Herath blowing up the goodness like it was January and getting it all to himself.
Mark getting yet another lap on increasingly deeper pack as the storm cycle has only begun.

Tomorrow, look for much more accumulation as it is dumping rain down here at The Trailer and has not let up all day. This new installment will have a lot of cushion to mitigate the previous substrate and, with the pack having smoothed out with the lack of traffic over the past week or so, the lines should be good to go on all aspects. Coverage remains excellent so there are no caveats to deal with, with the exception of the usual mountain features. Temps will be certainly colder, so dress for weather. I expect traffic to be a tad more brisk so add that to the equation. These late Spring storms are a treat and will resurface the pack for good corn conditions when we get a freeze thaw cycle after it all settles out. Thanks Mikey M, for sending the great shots for the post today!! Syrup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!

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