5-06-24 by dave

The Faithful showed up in full force this morning in anticipation of some very deep Essence that had fallen overnight. They were not disappointed, as there was close to 20″ covering the dance floor with heavy precipitation still dumping on the hill. High winds up high kept the Tram from operating and Mineral Basin and Little Cloud were closed due to stability issues. High Baldy was open for those who were up to hiking up from the chair to get the goods.

Kevin Canton sent this shot from his view from The Lodge giving you a good idea of the quantity at the base elevation.

The line was super large at The Peruvian Chair, so I took my table at The Forklift to observe and assess the options for the day. Glowing reports of the good quality and face shots were coming in from friends coming off the hill. The stoke was high, and folks were in full deep Winter mode.

This ripper came fully prepared for some deep diving and persistent face shots. He was going to need it.

Tomorrow, look for more accumulation in the overnight hours as the next low pressure system is right on the doorstep. I think traffic will be a bit lighter than today, but still will be a large factor. Hopefully more lift access will be on tap for the festivities. With the cold temps and no Sun on the pack, the deep quality will be fully preserved and should provide for another epic Spring day of Snow Sport Sliding. Keep it tight!!!

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