5-08-18 by dave

In a Groundhog’s Day kind of way, today was another wonderful day of smooth sliding. There was a bit of a freeze overnight, but the break was fast and it did not last long. Mineral Basin was offering amazing lines that were sorbet sweet for the first hour, but the Lupine Loop aspect held up a bit longer as the Sun rises a bit further to the North. Peruvian Gulch was breaking fast in the order, and Anderson’s Hill had that soft and silky feel which enticed you to let fly, but I dialed it back to dig in deep for each savory turn, letting nothing go to waste. Here is a shot of a some unusual happy clouds suspended in the sky. After the breakfast break, the hill was going toward the Slurpee Zone in a hurry. Tomorrow, look for another early morning of the Goodness Of Maize. The lines will be prepared and perfect for the opening bell. The front of the hill will be breaking in short order, so move fast to get the best of the break. There is some serious melt off on the very lowest cat tracks on the Peruvian side of the hill, so there may be a couple of dodgy spots getting back to the Tram. Enjoy these stellar days of smooth sliding as it is coming to a rapid end. Dial it up, Dial it in!!

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