5-09-18 by dave

It did not freeze even a little bit, so all aspects were sorbet smooth to start out the day. As usual, The Morning Crew worked the Mineral Basin lines that had a deep soft chiffon feeling that let you experience a 100% full surface turn with all of the skis dynamics alive and kickin’. The Peruvian Gulch was awesome as well, with Anderson’s Hill and Who Dunnit offering fast smooth carpets that let you dial in your fully extended turns with unmitigated audacity. This was a day where you know you are getting some of the best turns of the season and there is no one there. I worked a couple of runs on the Peruvian Gulch and never saw another person… a Real private resort feel for sure. Here is a shot of a chopper dropping an avalanche mitigation device on a location at Alta. This pilot was amazing, just nailing the pick. I left at 1PM. but the pack was still feeling slick and fast despite the Slurpee Zone feel. Later, the sticky factor cropped up, making the consistency a bit dodgy. Tomorrow, look for some clouds to be part of the mix. I expect continued warm temps., so there probably won’t be a freeze again. I will be looking for the goodness to be ready from the word GO. All sides of the hill should be ready to rock, but I will still be working the Mineral Basin lines to start, in order to take advantage of those big smooth open carpets of AHHHHH. Straight Ahead!

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