It was another balmy morning, with just a light breeze, bright Sun, and incredible Grooming available on all sides of the hill. Mineral Basin was offering the sunny buffed offerings that kept you lapping the chair to get as much as possible. Another rework of Lone Star was another highlight, as it offered dry chalky smooth that rolled off to the steep lower section. On the Front of the hill, Lower Primrose Path had been worked with a wider stroke, and that new line was just killer, with that steep fall line push that kept me honest. Over on Gad 2, All three sections of Gadzooks had been given the smoothing treatment, and I had to pound out some top to bottom Zooks just to tap into that rare falling vibration. Here is a shot of the upper section in the Sun. That shot illustrates the smooth runnings that were going off all over the hill. A huge tip of the hat to the Cat Crew for such amazing lines!! The off trail has still got the stiff rumble going on, with only some of the Northeast aspects smoothing with traffic. Tomorrow, look for more incredible corduroy to dial all over the hill. That dry chalky feel is happening top to bottom, and despite the warm base temps., the quality is holding tough. Here is a shot of Wynonna standing next to the sleeping Ice Puppy that camped out on the lounge chair.
The traffic is very light, and high volume vertical is a cake walk to get. Be sure to hit the sunny side for the first runs, to get that un tracked corduroy goodness. IBBY!!
2-14-17 by dave