4-28-18 by dave

Another beautiful day was on tap, offering the corn goodness on all sides of the hill. Back country was open again and the cognoscenti were fast after the tours that would be some of the best tours of a life time. With the warmer temps., the corn was breaking more rapidly and you had to stay out ahead of the break to get it all. Here is a shot of Mike McCarthy who was getting the goods on Long John Silver. This is one epic pitch that lets you dial in the sorbet goodness. Back on the hill, there was great corn on all aspects, but with the warm temps. the pack hit the Slurpee Zone and things got sticky. Here is a shot of the Deck at The Summit with folks enjoying the Peak Experience. Tomorrow, look for a front moving in later in the day. I expect wind and warm temps. again, so dress for variations in the weather. I still think we will get the break in the pack, so be looking for the usual pattern, but it probably will go off fast. I will be back on the hill again after my day off, and I am hoping to be driving with the top down. Dial it up, Dial it in!!

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