4-29-18 by dave

With colder temps., the pack was very frozen to start out the day and the Sun was trying to burn through a high thin cloud deck. There was a very light turn out for the first Tram. Here is a shot of Wynonna suiting up for the day’s festivities in an empty locker room. There was an electrical outage on the hill, and Mineral Basin was delayed for the morning session. Peruvian Gulch was the best alternative to start out, with smooth lines that were consistent, but very crispy. The Sun came out a bit, so working the aspects that saw the most direct rays were just breaking, giving you a bit of traction in between sections of sheen. I kept working the fast laps on Peruvian Gulch and stopped in at The Forklift to wait for softening to occur. After breakfast, the break was in full effect, offering amazing sorbet lines that kept me lapping the goods to squeeze out the goods. Regulator and The Road To Provo broke last, with sorbet goodness there as well. Later, the lower elevations morphed into the Slurpee Zone, but the sticky factor never cropped up even on the flats. Here is a great shot of Team Utah, who were stoked to be getting the break just as it was going off. I like it when a plan comes together. Tomorrow, look for a storm day as the Low that was predicted moves in. We will have to see how it comes in, but I am hoping for some thick cushioning Spackle to start out, with a lighter accumulation as the day progresses. Dress for weather and stay with the known smooth lines to keep the ride consistent. Lake Effect took the Plaza Stage to round out the day with some great sounds and excellent playing. IBBY!!

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