It was Sunny for the first couple of hours this morning, providing a short window of high definition visibility to start out the day. Though the temps seemed mild, a stout North wind brought the wind chill factor in full effect. I dressed for the occasion after scoping out the data sheet in the foyer, and that saved me from a very harsh reality. Powder Paradise and the Lewis and Clark explorations offered carpets that were being buffed by the wind and seasoned with transported snow that made them amazing and fully dialable. Here is a shot of Elise extracting as much juice from the wind deposited lines as humanly possible. If it can’t be powder, it might as well be another form of perfect! While the Morning Crew was out in the far reaches, we saw these interesting cloud formations that seemed to be offering private messages in the sky. Perhaps, they are saying ” All is Well!” and snow is on the way. We shall see.
” A cloud deck moved in during the afternoon session, flattening the light and making the details a bit hard to discern, but the smooth lines were consistent and trustworthy top to bottom. Light traffic made back to back Trams easy to make and you could rack up the vertical in short order. Tomorrow, look for clouds to shroud the Sun, great Grooming on all sides of the hill, and some wind lines filling up. I will be looking for some interesting prospects in Mineral Basin for the smoothest off trail wind lines. Traffic should continue to be light and the runs should be very sparsely traveled. See you there for the search for wind buffed natural smoothing. Dial it up, and dial it in!!
2-01-18 by dave