After several weeks of full on encounters in the Dark Matter Wars, which are on going, I was able to reflect on the season that just wrapped up. Having a near normal snowfall made the vibe much more electric with each accumulation of the Essential Substance. There were few instances where the faithful were not totally on top of the installments, and that made for some alternative approaches to the deep days. While the deep days were indeed exquisite, the perfection of the pack during the storm lulls were also exquisite as well. This shot of perfect corduroyexemplifies the amazing quality that was served up day after day. You just had to know where to look and be able to appreciate perfection in all it’s different iterations. One of the other elements I remember was the amazing light effects of the Sun and Sky that you have to stop and GROK when you see them. These atmospheric treats always seem to indicate that one should
reflect on where one is and what a singularly special moment in TIME that is being shown to Being. There is another atmospheric effect that is very illusive and is only visible in very rare
conditions that you have to be right there when they happen. The Portal opens and you must step through to get the full effect of the Moment. Time spent up on the hill is TIME well spent. There are other amazing instances that are revealed to the early risers, where you have to ask you self; How does that happen?. Here is one of those sights that are sublime in concept and execution.
The completion of the Summit at Hidden Peak was an amazing addition to the ambience of the Snowbird experience that was long in the making and made such a big difference to the season.
The folks who work up at these elevations worked very hard to make the experience seamless and exciting. The food was a really big part of the experience as well and the presentation was
far beyond what one would expect at 11,000 feet. To make all this happen took a huge effort of folks who arrived early and made it all happen as if by magic. I spent quite a bit of time in the big room during the raging storms, where before I had to make a hasty retreat off the peak to escape the maelstrom. Now I can just sit quietly and contemplate where I am and what is going on around me. Of course, we come for the powder and we got it in amazing installments that delivered those treasured moments where TIME stops when one is enveloped in the Essence.
This is my friend Mike getting some of the first deep deposits in South Chute early in the Season. This shot shows how much and how early the conditions came to life. This is what it is all about. But, without the efforts of a lot of very dedicated people, access to this kind of terrain would not be happening as it does on a daily basis. The folks who show up in the wee hours of the morning to begin preparations for the day make the operation of the hill seamless. Thanks to the Patrol, who work so hard to get the hill ready for each day and are there to keep us safe all day. Thanks to all the lift service folks who keep the machinery running like a Swiss watch. Thanks to all of the food service folks who have provided the warmth of home when we need to recharge for more charging.
And finally, to the folks who left the Planet and our lives this Season. Let this image of “Number 1” be symbolic of all those who meant so much to all of us that live and breath this place. They all will live in our hearts as we continue on Living The Dream. I am fully engaged in the Dark Matter Wars and am working my way back to yet another Season that is rapidly approaching. I hope you all have a great Summer and will be ready and refreshed for yet another encounter with the Essence in TIME. I will be posting from time to time all Summer to keep you posted on the Summer festivities, so check back from time to time. Remember: Syrup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!
6-12-16 by dave