The Grooming Crew put an extra helping of love on the hill this morning, with Hydro Velvet carpets that were wall to wall perfect. Mineral Basin was delayed, so the Morning Crew splintered off to check out a wider sampling of the day’s offerings. With the Sun high in the sky, now that we are getting further into the season, the cold morning air helped keep the pack fresh and refrigerated. When Mineral Basin opened, the wide open goodness was letting me explore my inner Ligety. Lewis and Clark had not been given the total treatment, but the off trail was still smooth and easy to negotiate. Here is a shot of the Twins standing in sharp contrast to the Ultra Blue sky! The day warmed up, but the quality of the pack remained soft and fast, with no signs of deterioration from the Sun. More new lines of machine work have been appearing on sections that have not seen the tiller, so it has been big fun dialing in the turns on the new offerings.
Here is a shot of Team Markoff, who are avid readers of the site, getting started on the day. They were in for a treat and I am sure they got it all. Tomorrow, look for another great day of fresh carpets of Hydro Velvet wall to wall. Mineral Basin will be offering the early morning Sun, and the wide open ripping lines that just can’t be beat. Temps. are warming up and I was able to drive with the top down all afternoon. I think I might be able to start out the day the same way. We will see.
As a parting shot, here is Mikey M standing at the top of the Baldy Chute into Alta. It was skiing really well with soft snow and low amplitude variations. That is some big V. IBBY!!
3-06-18 by dave