4-15-15 by dave

A morning of epic proportions greeted the Faithful, who were in full attendance for the amazing festivities.  While the control work was being done, the energy level was dripping as the anticipation built up.  The opening delay sent me to visit the Forklift Chair to await developments, while everyone else was heading for the chairs or staying put in the Tram line.  Here is a shot that illustrates the reason for such anticipation.  This Essence was piled deep and getting DSC02800deeper by the minute as the storm showed no signs of letting up, and with the Low Pressure system stalled over the Front, the product kept piling up.  The Bird site was reporting 40” by 4PM.  Now that is a snow storm.  Stellar reviews were coming back from the hill, but when I went to make a Tram after it’s opening, I was greeted by a 4 Tram wait, so I decided to leave it to the folks to enjoy, while I got the Hyper Dimensional Array cleared of snow down at the Trailer.  Here is another shot of the Snowbird Subaru Mascot sporting a full indication of the accumulation on the Plaza Deck.  This kind of day was a long time coming, and  “Best Day of the Season” could be rightly claimed as many DSC02801folks were, and I would not argue with that assessment.  Tomorrow, look for additional accumulation to have fallen, as it is still snowing here at the Trailer, thwarting my best attempts to clear the Array.  You can expect Winter conditions, with the old layer just a memory after this much snowfall.  Bring your big guns up, as you will need it.  Dress for weather, and get ready for face shots.  Those ankle shots were last week. This is the real deal.  IBBY!

5 Responses to “RIGHTEOUS DUMP”

  1. Tom and Betty says:


    We two of the faithful flock missed it too, as you know. Had to catch the portal to our home planet before the expected storm arrival closed our 4 day hyper-dimensional travel time. Now in day 3 of 4 and the fringe caught us, but did not interrupt the transfer beam array function. So the home planet arrival looms for tomorrow.

    Anyways, it sounds like it was all interruptible and static, a ski frenzy, like 3 feet, or whatever, of windblown essence always is on arrival.

    But it is all part of the dream, the promise of the Wasatch, that you taught us about so long ago. We can imagine it, as we are, and that is also part of the dream – like the turns, it is already there in your mind.

    We look forward to your details as the full effect of the event unfolds. Tell it all.

    Glad many of our flock friends were able to be there, and will continue.

    Again, thanks for awakening the dream for us to live, as we have, the promise.


  2. Mike says:

    If I could only have Scotty beam me up, there’d be some ‘sizzling’ going on.
    It’s not snowing in Chicago

  3. Mike says:

    Couldn’t wait for the Gu’sreport.
    Thinking of you guys. Enjoy.

  4. Nicky and Tony says:

    We too are the deprived faithful having to return to London U.K. after hiking instead of skiing late March early April.

    Still let’s pin great hopes on winter 2015/2016 Utah is due an epic winter, it is long over due!!!

  5. marie says:

    Mike/ Nicky and Tony ……… I am hoping next year the timing of your trip coincides with one of these storms.

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