12-10-11 by dave

I have been convalescing all day long, hitting the pain meds to keep the functionality at least tolerable, but I figure I got away lucky.  On my Face Book page, folks have weighed in on many other individual smackdowns at that particular spot yesterday.  Today, I am sure the Cat Crew had mowed the mound down, making that section more realistic.  The Sun was out, the temps were pleasant, and the cover on the main runs continue to make this low snow start very fun.  Peruvian is very nice to tour around, looking at all the possibilities that will be present when the Essence makes it’s appearance in force.  I am not even looking at the weather these days, because I like surprises, so I like to let them sneak up on me.  The Peruvian Chair is operating now, which provides such a great seat from which to survey the lines before they begin to fill up with base.  The sharp relief of rocks on the Upper Cirque is amazing when you think of how much snow is required to get that to the point of access.   I am still holding off going off trail before we get more snow, and I probably will give it at least another storm before I will feel comfortable moving through some of those scree deposits.  Remember to keep an ear and eye on the uphill traffic, and what with the much narrower sections of the Peruvian side there is not much margin for error.  Tomorrow, look for continued full carve dancing on the Groomers to be the solid place to be.  The early morning traffic should not be

Hard Rock

too heavy, though there will be build up as the day progresses.  It keeps getting darker each morning, but I am holding on to each day, finding the early morning runs have added value.  See you there for the first Bucket!!! Peace Out!!!

One Response to “PAIN MEDS”

  1. Michael Brill says:

    Dave, sorry to hear about your wreck. I hope you mend quickly. As always, love the prose and insights. Best, Michael

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