August is flying by like the Little Cottonwood Creek in the spring, and it will just be a blink of the eye and we will be back on the hill. I came down from the High Desert to touch base with how things are shaping up on the hill. The Mountain Biking trail is getting high marks and the folks are really loving it. The Cool Air Concerts have ended for the season as Oktoberfest will begin tomorrow for the fall season. There is so much going on with all the activities that the addition of the Fest is going to be extra special fun. Here is a shot of the Twins free of the old snow and ready for the fresh coat that is not long in coming. Check out all the colors in the sedimentary layers. It is like it was painted by the BIG BRUSH. Here is a shot of two ladies who were experiencing their first Tram ride to the peak. They were really amazed by the extreme terrain we have here.
It is hard to imaging that all this gets covered up under so many feet of the Goodness. It will be here soon indeed. I also stopped by to see THE CHEF and how is garden is coming along. He is harvesting arm fulls of veggies every day. Here is a shot of a cucumber blossom that was glowing in the sun up on the trellis.
The bees were having a field day pollinating all these blossoms. He has bee hives in the back yard and he had to add extra hive segments to keep up with the industrious little guys. I got to taste some of the fresh honey that they made right there. It is very cool to see how his yard is blooming. The structure on the peak continues to shape up as the concrete foundations are being poured. It will be really fun to see how it all turns out. I am back off to the High Desert to deal with more pressing issues involving the Morphogenic Field. Stay Frosty!!
8-15-14 by dave
How nice of you to make these people feel comfortable on their visit. And yes, when I was walking up the hill. I did notice the different stripes of rocks. People like us notice things like that. I am sure these features allow you to navigate from space and find your way back to hidden peak.