More perfect corn was on tap for the Morning Session, as Mineral Basin was offering the goods. White Diamonds and Lower Silver Dipper, as well as some added lines offered exquisite corn goodness that rivaled any back country conditions you would hike to get. Here is a shot of White Diamonds with the folks getting the goods before it got too soft. This shot is steep, smooth, and is the aspect that we used to dream about long before it was lift serviced. On the front of the hill, the break was going to go off in order as it has on these previous mornings. At 11:30AM., Regulator was hitting that sorbet window, where each turn reminded me of the big Red Baldy pitch that is so hard to access, but Reg is precisely the same pitch and aspect, so I just imagine and dig in deeper. At Noon the sticky factor cropped up below the mid mountain, so staying up high was the best bet. While I was traveling through the Tunnel today, I was checking out this
shot of miners back in the mining days and wondered about life in the Canyon that long ago. I have often thought that perhaps, in a past life, I might have been one of those guys as I am so drawn to be here and be high on the hill, when I noticed one miner here that was, perhaps, one of those I might have been. Here is a closer look, though the resolution is not great.
I don’t know, just a thought. Tomorrow, look for another great morning of corn goodness, though wind is predicted to be a factor as a storm system is predicted to move into the Front for the next while. Mineral will be the first place to get the break, but with the wind, the rest of the hill may be breaking a bit sooner, so keep an eye on it. See you for the sorbet sensation. IBBY!!
4-21-16 by dave