It was a clear morning that highlighted the new snow that was ready for the faithful. There was a fair push for the Tram early as the stoke level was palpable. Up on the hill, the areas that had not opened yesterday were waiting in the wings. When those areas did open, it was a powder festival which offered much improved lines after all the build up of the past couple of days. Here is a shot of the traverse to High Baldy taken from Mineral Basin by my friend Mike. It is kind of hard to make out the details, but they are lined up from wall to wall. I skied that shot today and it was exquisite. The Road To Provo opened a bit later where the feel was a bit more set up, but still was feeling full and sumptuous. Coverage continues to improve with each installment and looking further afield is now no problem at all. Still, there are features to keep in mind, but that is true no matter how much cover we have. There is still a low amplitude rumble on the high traffic adjacent lines that will keep you honest, but a relaxed, soak it all up approach, will make the transitions a bit more consistent.
I went to the far reaches on all side of the hill today and I got this shot of the top of Mary Ellen Gulch in the distance. It is nice to see the future, and here it is with tantalizing possibilities to imagine. Tomorrow, look for more Essence to have fallen over night to add to the cushion that already exists. Temps. will be cold and more snow is in the forecast, so dress for weather and remember your lines from today for the smoothest ride. This time of year, we don’t have to worry about aspect quality as we do later in the season, so dial in you favorite run and have fun working the mojo.
Here is a parting shot that I took from Ski Patrol Gully which highlights the amazing rock formations that are all over. These features add texture and impact to the terrain, and that rock represents some serious time. Stay Frosty!!
1-19-16 by dave