There was a light dusting beginning to fall as I pulled into the parking lot. By the time First Tram took off it was dumping in earnest and a couple of inches had been deposited on the dance floor to start out the day. The firm conditions of yesterday were just underneath the fresh coat of light density Essence. While it was untracked it provided a nice consistent feel, but as it got worked over the consistency became a bit more variable. Going with the known smooth offered the best results, as well as staying with low angle aspects to mellow the ride. Snow continued through out the day but did not seem to build up too quickly and the consistency issues persisted. I bailed at 1:30 PM to let the faithful work the product into the hill. I saw a couple more examples of a new trend in ski wear on the Tram deck today. Here is a shot of one of the items that caught my eye. Tomorrow, look for continued unsettled weather, a bit more accumulation, and cold to still be an issue to address as you are planning the day. The Groomers will still be offering the best know smooth lines with which to deal with the marginal visibility issues. The big smooth lines that had been set up last week are still holding the smooth and are the place to look for the best off trail conditions with this new addition of new product. Here is another shot of the other suit that was interesting.
It will be interesting to see how this trend in ski clothing design pans out. It looks like we are in for some bold developments in the next few years. See you for the freshness in the AM!! IBBY!!
2-26-15 by dave
Do loudmouths need to advertise,too!! Sheesh!
This was a most unusual pair of pants. I have been seeing this brand around for the past month. I thought it was nicely abstract and the logo said it all.