The Sun was shining and the sky was ultra blue this morning, but some interesting lenticular formations formed over the hills on both the East and West ranges. Those formations usually indicate snow in the offing and the Weather Dude is agreeing with the assessment. Stout South winds were blowing hard ahead of the frontal passage adding some dust to the Groomers and filling in some of the low spots on the hill. Here is a shot I took yesterday of Mary Ellen Gulch looking pristine in the afternoon Sun. This was the first sojourn I have taken out that way this season and I found good cover and soft snow all the was around the dial. The Road to Provo opened today to the delight of the Faithful who were on hand for the occasion. The quality out there was still really good, and much of the underlying crunch was muffled with the new cover. The traverses continue to improve as more snow is added and I was able to negotiate every traverse I scouted without much problem, so going far afield is becoming good to go. Here is a great shot of Team Berman, who were wrapping up their present stay.
They brought the goods and got all of it. I am so glad they were not disappointed. ” Things are looking good Andrew”!!! Tomorrow, look for a variable weather day with the real stuff coming later in the day. Look for the Groomers to be offering the smooth lines and super soft Hydro Velvet. In variable visibility they will be the place to be. Look for some wind loaded lines to be here and about with the overnight wind working the hill.
Kazoodi held yet another of his amazing designer pizza parties last night, and Mikey M, of Barone/s Pizza, was in attendance offering up some very outside of the box combinations. Pictured here, however, is Kazoodi’s own personal Chicago Deep Dish Extravaganza that he made specially for the occasion. We also celebrated Mikey’s son’s birthday who was having the time of his life.
Happy Birthday sprout!! See you in the AM for the start of a big cycle. Peace Out!
2-17-18 by dave