A cloud deck hung over the Front this morning with a stout breeze, light snow, flat light, and clearing skies in the distance. While the visibility was good, the definition on the runs was very short on details and it was just guess work going down. I just used my deep trust of the impeccable talent of the Cat Crew and pointed myself down the line and skied it like I could see it. White Diamonds was rebuffed and felt consistent and granular underfoot, but Lower Silver Dipper did not get the treatment, so a full line down Powder Paradise was the best option in the available light. Here is a shot of the clearing skies in the distance, with the Sun illuminating the Bingham Mine across the Valley. On the front of the hill, nice lines had been prepared and the trees in the Peruvian Gulch went a long way in providing some reflected light and solid reference points. Grooming there too was good and I slowed down on Anderson’s hill to take advantage of the deluxe corduroy that was untracked underfoot. After the debrief at the Forklift Chair, the Sun came out and we went out to do a Mineral Lap. I have been talking about the smooth High North lines that have been developing in the last days, so here is a long shot of The Bookends with dry chalky perfection top to bottom.
Tomorrow, look for another great day on the hill, which promises to be much better lit, though there may still be some clouds moving through now and then. Look for softening to begin happening around Noon as the Sun gets higher in the sky. The warming today provided beautiful softening lines on all sides of the hill, with Regulator a prime example. All those High North lines are still holding the cold and are well worth the time to check out. I still think there will be a morning chill, so I will be dressing for the occasion.
Many folks ask me where Lewis and Clark is located as it is not referenced on the map, so I thought I would share this shot of Lewis and Clark taken from the stair well in the Summit at Hidden Peak. It is always an exploration going over to the border area with Alta and we are usually are the first to ride the chair each day. The tinted color is from the glass through which this shot was taken. Syrup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!
3-01-16 by dave