2-22-10 by dave

Some one turned the thermostat down to cold with Monday morning’s start.  Bright sun did  not warm things up much at all all day.  Mineral basin offered overnight snow in addition to wind deposited freshness making White Diamond a real treat with accumulated deep sections caught by the low chop that had built up after yesterdays groom job.  I had to hit it 4 times before heading back to the front of the hill with Regulator buffed to the Nth degree providing  cold dry velvet  for what ever you had in mind.  I dialed back the speed dial to take advantage of the soft accumulation on the right side of the groom job.  Again, you just have to keep on hitting the good stuff,…. so I did until the Forklift chair called my name.  It wasn’t until after breakfast that I hit the Peruvian side finding  great buffage there as well.  The cold air held up all day with clouds moving up the canyon in the afternoon reducing the visibility in sections of the hill with the Sun peaking through in many areas.  Light snow began falling adding to the soft factor as the day continued.  The clouds were hanging tough after closing,  indicating some fresh product for the morning session.  Look for continued cold with a low fluff factor for the hill in the AM.  Clear skies should be on tap again with Mineral Basin a great call for the morning by taking advantage of the low traffic and sunny visibility.  After all those days of low vis, it is nice to get the full effect of pristine detail.  Dress for a cold morning.  I am glad I did this morning.  See you then.  Ciao!!!

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