2-16-14 by dave

The wind out ahead of the cold front had the South wind nuking on the peak this morning, which loaded the High North aspects with beautifully placed product.  I was, once again, able to ski directly into shots that in previous times were a bit tricky.  The wind kept buffing the surface, erasing the tracks as fast as you made them.  Visibility was fair until the Front moved in at Noon, when the wind switched out of the North West with a furious blast that delivered inches per hour.   The smooth aspects, and all other aspects, began to build up a sweet frosting feel that gave  that Heroic definition to the turns.  Only the visibility was an issue, however, the unbelievable quality had many commenting on how perfect the hill was feeling.  I had to agree, and kept hitting the big North facing drops to get as much of that rarity in as possible.  Tomorrow, look for improving visibility as the storm cell has moved to the East and the areas that were closed today will be opening for those who missed out on today’s extravaganza.  Once again, entrances are greatly improved, interference patterns in the high traffic areas are gone for the time being, and the hill is in good enough shape that you can go for your favorite lines and get the prescription filled.  More snow is in the forecast for the middle of the week, so we have to get busy and get this installment worked in before it arrives.   Here is a shot of the Mine in the distance as the sky cleared before the Wall of Voodoo moved up the Canyon with the heavy blast. This vantage point DSC01840never gets old. It will be great in the AM, so be there for the morning session.   Don’t forget to SIZZLE!!

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