After all the wind and snow that blasted the hill yesterday, all the aspects had been blown smooth, with great high density sugar filling in the hollows. There were some variable crusts living here and there, so looking for those North, Northwest, East , and Northeast aspects were the featured best on the hill. I tried a couple due South lines only to find the punchability underneath the fresh to be a touch difficult, so I changed aspects and all was good. Here is a shot of the Sunday Cliffs looking as smooth as you please, with great consistency and no weirdness. As the day wore on the Sun did become a factor on the direct exposures, making them a bit pasty. Staying with the shade would keep the quality high, so be paying attention to the Sun. I don’t think there will be any real firmness tomorrow, but those crunchy South off trail lines will still be problematic. Tomorrow, look for another bright day with great conditions with only those aspects I already mentioned needing to be avoided early on. All High North lines will still be great, with a smooth base after all the wind. Traffic should be stout on the hill, but the uphill capacity on the front of the hill is keeping up very well. Look for the sweet corduroy to have been prepared for the morning session where you will find righteous carpets of Hydro Velvet top to bottom.
I was visited today by two old friends from my home town back East, who were here for the very first time. I had a blast showing them the hill and getting some nice fresh lines out on a Lewis and Clark sojourn. I know they will be back, as once you see this place you can’t be kept away. See you Sunday for more Snow Sport Sliding. IBBY!!
2-19-16 by dave
Dave. Today was unbelievable. There was probably too much vodka on the peak as a lot of folks gathered to say adios and vaya con dios to fitz-may. I happened to be lucky enough to catch upper route 2 as good as it gets for 3 consecutive sojourns before a few of the girls…imagine that…decided to give it a go. Also ran into c spooner who without question is unmatched for 40 years in terms of style and soul. I know this is your gig but I love sharing the space and your willingness to allow it. God bless the wind. What a great day.