The high density product that fell with this last installment was the perfect consistency for base building. It was dense, cold, and still soft even when it got piled up. There as a very large turn out of The Faithful to get the goods, but they would have to be patient as the hill opened a bit late and then in stages. I made a couple of laps on Gad 2 to scope it out, finding very nice snow in the trees, with the smooth underlying base making each turn round and quiet, without the bounce of high amplitude interference patterns which develop with more traffic. Here is a shot of the Kennecott Mine across the Valley, with a fresh coating of white and interesting morning Sun lighting it up. As more of the mountain opened up the crowd became more spread out and the lines eased up a bit. Excellent lines were to be found off of the Cirque Traverse on both sides of the hill, but the cover is still shy and extra caution should be used when pushing a line. Again, most of the rumble has been mitigated by the recent accumulation, so dialing in a full power fall line approach is no problem. I have still been concentrating on dialing the smooth and round turns that keep my knees from becoming grumpy. Here is another shot of the Mine from the peak on my first Tram.
The weather lifted and some Sun began to make an appearance, making this shot much more detailed. The difference in elevation between the two perspectives is interesting and gives you an idea of the scale of those excavations. Tomorrow, look for some awesome Groomers to be the feature of the day, with the off trail still offering soft lines on all sides of the hill. The harbor chop has built up with the dense product, so the bounce factor will be something to consider. There is more snow on the way in the coming week, and it should put the frosting on the cake. Don’t Forget To SIZZLE!!
12-11-16 by dave