Last season seemed to pass like this bubble that Wynonna sent to me from the last day’s celebration on the plaza deck. It was created, floated through the brief moment in time and exploded in a puff of mist to become the past. Like this bubble, however, the season was beautiful and perfect in it’s own way, and held a singular quality that was held in each and every day. Granted, the quantity of snow fall was not as much as would have been wished, but the quality of the pack was strong with days that were memorable as they were explored. Even the last day of the season delivered a special accumulation to treat the faithful who were squeezing the last moments out of the bubble. A special thanks to all the folks that make the Bird turn. Here is a shot of one of the members of the Cat Crew who did an outstanding job of smoothing the hill for each day, making the perfect corduroy worth getting up for those first Tram mornings.
Thanks to the Ski Patrol, and the lift operators and mechanics that kept us safe and moving up the hill. It takes a monumental coordination of effort to launch each and every day, and I am grateful for all the folks that make it happen. A special mention of appreciation to the crew at the Forklift, who took care of the morning crew with grace and style.
I will be moving the Trailer to it’s undisclosed location in the High Desert while I, once again, rejoin the Dark Matter Wars that are still on going in the Multiverse. I will try and add some features to the site for next season, so we will see how it all turns out. I will be posting on a regular basis to chronicle the activities and progress on the hill, so check back form time to time. Be safe, have fun, and I will see you there for the first Tram next season. Syrup won’t stop ‘EM!!
5-19-15 by dave
Dave, Thanks for the daily register and for the season epilogue. See you on the other side of the Big Cycle. – East Coast Faithful
Dave thanks for another season! The bubble had all off the color the season had to offer, symbolic ? It was great in its own way. With a open mind and attitude, it was a good loop around the sun. Hope for more base on the next go round. A shout out to the team, miss you guy’s already!
We all have different goals for different years. As much as the “status quo” and “cultural chatter” is about complaining about low snow fall. I had a winter that went better than I could have imagined. There was enough snow for me to get done what I wanted. I have come out on the other end with an increased sense of “humble confidence.” In a word, my winter was trans-formative. Thank you Dave, Niel, and the rest of the “Fork Lift Support Group.” That being said, I send a special wish to the Universe, up to the altitudes, to circulate the atmosphere …. for a mixture odd coincidences that will make ALL of Wasatch resorts get lots of great storms for the 2015-16 season.
What does syrup won’t stop EM mean?
Thank you for the perfect “wrap up.”
I look forward to next ski season and wish all a safe and enjoyable summer.
Thanks again for the T-shirts:
Greetings from the Hong Kong faithful. Thanks for the updates Dave, I admire your ability to persevere with the blog despite all the distractions you must have every day. Whether it’s faceshots, perfect sorbet or smooth corduroy, your writing style has the ability to morph the conditions across the timezones and onto my wireless computer thingy. With a bit of imagination, I can be at the Bird again in an instant.
If the stars align for the next big cycle, perhaps I can jump on a big bird and get to the Bird in time for some of that goodness falling from the heavens.
Have yourself a great summer!
Thanks so much, Dave, for your daily reports. Even though I was down with my injury, I lived viscerally through you and I appreciate your positive outlook: any snow is good snow. I look forward to skiing with you sometime next season! I hope you have a splendiferous summer and don’t melt in the heat. Which “high desert” do you go to? You can tell me next year in the locker room. Take care!
Thanks Dave , we always look forward to your reports.