12-21-22 by dave

The Winter Solstice delivered the shortest day of the seasons, and the days will be getting longer now as we move ahead. It was another very gray day with very limited visibility and flat light. Staying with the Groomers offered the best consistency of ride, and staying close to the trees provided reference and some reflected light on the Mat. Regulator was very firm and slick as the wind has been working the surface and removing what loose snow that is resident there.

The Speed Queens enjoying a wonderful Summer Party where we all wondered how this season would pan out. It is exceptional, and they cannot be caught, don’t even try!!

Tomorrow, look for a bit of snow to have fallen overnight. I expect the wind to be a factor as well. I will be looking for the Groomers to provide the smooth consistency I want in the variable light. The hill is in great shape, so look for some wind deposited sections around the hill, but they may be hard to see with the vis being so marginal. Dress for cold as the temps are predicted to fall with the passage of the front. Watch your SIX!!

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