4-18-13 by dave

It was 5 Degrees on the peak this morning, with a very stout North wind blowing, andDSC01456 enough juice to transport the product to the lea aspects.  The plumes were streaming off the high peaks in the morning Sun all back lit and majestic.  The hill was deep Winter dry and chalky wall to wall, with the Groomers offering ripping fun.  The Big Smooth had been prepared after a long absence, and I took full advantage of that smoking drop, getting  that Winter pace going again.  Mineral Basin was still offering some soft deep sections, but the transported deposits were a bit slabby and required real power blasting to negotiate.  The quality stayed great all day long, as the very cold air temps kept the product nicely refrigerated, which resisted the damaging rays of the mid April Rays.  Nice!!!  Tomorrow, look for another cold morning, as the Northerly flow persists, though it may be a bit warmer.  The Groomers will be offering the ground pounding fun of dry chalky quality, and the off trail will still be working.  Watch the South facing shots, as the Sun did penetrate the cold in those direct shots, but overall there will be very nice lines all around.  The interference patterns have melted into the snow pack, and do not hamper the arc of the well executed turn, but there is still a low amplitude rumble in the high traffic sections.  Here is a shot of Pipeline up close and personal, looking as impressive as it is.  Be there for the continued great skiing.  See you in the AM.   Ciao!!

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