The First Tram of the season left the dock on time this morning to the delight of The Faithful who were on hand for the opening bell. Temps. on the peak were warmer than the base, so I dressed lighter to take advantage of the occasion. Here is a shot I took from the peak on that first Tram looking down Canyon. There was quite a push to be first on Regulator, so I held back and let the first push thin out. Regulator was super primo firm top to bottom, with good coverage on the main section that had been prepared. The sides were thin, but there was plenty of cover with no rocks to be seen. There was a light residual dust from the snow guns that helped the traction, and as the the Sun came up it made it much easier to find the pockets of soft dust. I was holding on to a tight line along the right hand side of the prepared section and let the traffic flow by.
I met The Wolfman on my third Tram. He was visiting from NYC. and was experiencing his first day ever at The Bird. He was stoked to be up on the peak and made short work of the upper section of the mountain. I am sure he had a great day and will be back when the pack fills out. Tomorrow, look for another day of training runs on the hill. Conditions will continue to be firm, and with the Sun so low in the sky, it helps to wait a bit to let the Sun come up over the ridge. Still, I will be going for first Boat to get a jump on the day and dial in as much vertical as possible. The Mountain Crew did a great job getting this going for us and it is a real treat to get the full drop of the hill. See you there for the morning session. Speed Safely!!
12-10-17 by dave