There was a long delay for the Tram this morning as there were unforseen problems up on the peak. I took the opportunity to ride the Forklift Chair until we could get up on the hill. This crew of big wave surfers from Maui were tackling orders of Power Spuds and Power Toast to get fueled up for the Corn goodness to come. When the Go sign was given, the snow pack had softened, offering some of the best sorbet of the season. If there is such a thing as perfect corn, this was it. You could do no wrong in the ultimate consistency that was just a delight. The lower elevations were getting sticky, but the upper part of the hill stayed excellent, with Mark Malu offering smooth lines on the Groomed sections. Here is a shot of that big upper section looking as smooth as it was. You would have to do some serious hiking to get up to the high reaches of the back country to get big mountain terrain like this, and here it is all
lift serviced just for us. Tomorrow, look for another excellent day of Corn Goodness beginning with the first Trams of the day. You can follow the Sun from the opening and get the goods as the aspects break around the clock. The lower section of the hill is still good to go for the early hours before it becomes too sticky. The Grooming has been great, and they have touched up the thin spots with some stashes that are placed strategically. Here is a parting shot of Mr. Scott with the upper section of Mark Malu in the distance. We had just decided to hit that line instead of Regulator, and it was a hard choice between two shots of perfect. Nice problem to have. Syrup won’t stop ‘EM!!
4-28-15 by dave