2-16-24 by dave

The Faithful were in full attendance early this morning as the storm started moving in from the opening bell. Difficult visibility was going off on all sides of the hill, but on the lower elevations the details improved. There had been an inch and a half dusting on the prepared lines that were off the charts perfect, making each turn back country perfect and felt like magic underfoot. When the storm started kicking in, the snow fall was intense, and free refills were happening again, filling the hollows and guts with ultra light Essence that just blew up with each turn.

Mike McCarthy moving through the wind swept accumulation with style and power. Deeper by the second!!!

It is raining hard here at The Trailer, signaling the addition of deep Essence up on the hill. Forecasts are for a lot more accumulation overnight with some clearing coming tomorrow. Look for great lines on all sides of the hill, great coverage everywhere, and some of the best turns of the season. While the old layer could still be felt in places today, I think it will be fully bottomless for tomorrow’s offerings. Check the Canyon reports for access in the AM. Remain Standing!!!

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