It was a clear cold morning, with wind only on the highest ridge lines. The powder of recent days had consolidated, leaving only about the top 4 or 5 inches loose on the surface. The rumble had returned, but the cold dry consistency made arcing through it easy and fun. The Groomers were impossibly good, with the Hydrovelvet corduroy Zizzing underneath the ski with each turn. Mineral Basin was amazing, with the wide open lines fairly vacant for the first hour, after which the faithful began arriving backing up the chair. Still, those early runs were as good as it gets. I jumped on the Peruvian Express to start out the day as it was walk on open, and went through The Tunnel for the first time this season. Here is a shot of the light at the end of it. The Red Lens Line out in the Exotic Trees opened later in the morning, offering incredibly buoyant Essence that let you work each turn with artistic license. After it got tracked out it got heavy and required a slower more deliberate approach. Still, it was really great to have that freshness available this many days after the storm. I met Susan Marshal and Ray Dodd on the
dock today. They both read the site daily and have read Snowbird Secrets. They were interested in some of the more esoteric aspects contained in it. It was interesting as well that they are deeply interested in Belief Systems as that has been my life long pursuit, and it was great to trade perspectives. Tomorrow, look for a front to move in during the early morning hours, bringing another installment of the freshness. Expect storm conditions, with variable visibility, cold temps, and wind working the pack. Look to the Groomers to provide the smooth lines in the compromised visibility, but the High North is holding some smooth fat lines from the traffic today.
In closing, I would like to acknowledge the amazing work The Patrol did during this last cycle. They saw a lot of action with the snow coming so fast and furious. Here is Matt and Don outside of the Gad 2 Patrol Shack enjoying the Sun and warming temps. Thanks for keeping us all safe and in the Fun Zone. IBBY!!
2-26-17 by dave