2-14-22 by dave

It was a beautiful warm morning, with bright Sun, smooth Groomers, and light traffic for today’s festivities. The wind was light, so there was nothing in the way of transported snow to be found, but the natural smooth was still holding up on those lines that have been obvious for days.

Looking up Old Reliable in the morning shade. It doesn’t look like much, but…….!
This is the shot that I was looking up in the above shot. It is one really big piece of real estate.

Traffic remained light all day long and back to back Trams were easy and fast to make. Regulator was extra primo firm and even at 1PM it was still pretty slick. Tomorrow, look for some weather to be in the mix. There is great debate about how much accumulation the hill will get, so we will have to see how it shakes out. Visibility will be an issue, and you can expect some variable sections. Be sure to ride the smooth lines as the interference patterns will be tricky. Straight Ahead!!!

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