4-26-18 by dave

There was not a breath of wind on the peak as we arrived for the day’s festivities. It was a bit warmer, but a full freeze did occur wall to wall. Mineral Basin was, as usual, offering the perfect corn lines that were fat fun and smooth. Turning was like frosting a cake with a paper knife on the lines off of Powder Paradise. While there were some aspects on Lupine Loop that were soft and ready, the steep sections still needed a bit more time. Traffic was light again, and the fast laps on the open carpets kept the Morning Crew busy while we waited for the Lupine Loop aspect to break. When it did, it had a real big mountain back country feel that necessitated more fast laps. Out of area opened today, which offered great back country corn goodness. Here is an amazing shot of Brian Beck throwing down on one of the most exotic terrain features in White Pine. One has to know where this feature lives as it is very secluded and it is rarely good. After the breakfast break, the Peruvian Gulch was prime top to bottom, offering sorbet goodness that made me slow down to dial in as much of the sweetness as possible. Of course, it was tempting to let fly, but sometimes it pays to smell the roses so to speak. Regulator broke around Noon and held up for quite a while with smooth granular excellence that also made me slow down to dial it in. By 2PM. the lower elevations were beginning to get sticky and staying up high was the call. Here is a shot of Frosty greeting each rider on the Little Cloud lift. Tomorrow, look for another amazing day of corn goodness top to bottom. I expect a similar break pattern that we have seen all week. Following the Sun and working the dial will reward you with the goods all day if you work the hill correctly. Be there early for the full on perfection that waits for you. IBBY!!

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