3-19-24 by dave

I was driving with the top down from the first tram, while celebrating a day of Spring jammin’ top to bottom on all sides of the hill. Silver Dipper was given a fresh till right from the top, which was just amazing, with plenty of room to move, beautiful corduroy to feel underfoot, and a top to bottom challenge to keep the intensity up right to the bottom. Quite a work out. On the front of the hill, Anderson’s Hill and Lower Primrose Path was offering more top to bottom fun, with dry chalky corduroy even though it got soft yesterday.

Jake sent this great shot of the corduroy carpet of AHHHHHH at the top of a Lewis and Clark extravaganza!!
A nice morning view of the upper Peruvian Gulch with the sweet buffed lines on Lower Chips front and center.

The pack is very firm and has been taking a lot of time to begin to break, so don’t think you can rush it as the core temps are still cold in the pack and is keeping the ride pretty crisp in places. Still, there are plenty of lines that still have the dry chalk. Tomorrow, look for another great day of Spring Sun and fun top to bottom, with high resolution visibility, delightful top to bottom machine worked lines on all sides of the hill and still light traffic. It was walk on Trams all day today. Nice touch.

The daily recon meeting after a rousing morning of aspect testing. We all go different lines and report back.

The pack is holding up nicely despite the warm temps, and having the hill less crowded is a real plus. Syrup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!!

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