3-28-18 by dave

The sharp patter of rain on the skin of The Trailer signaled a shift in the weather for today. It was snowin’ and blowin’ up on the hill, with a medium density grauple that made all the groomed runs feel like driving on a vintage deep pile living room shag. Part of the Morning Crew made the descent into the abyss that was Mineral Basin as the visibility back there was Zero Zero, however, the groomed lines were covered nicely back there as well. Since I dressed for how I wanted it to be, I was immediately sent to the Peruvian Gulch to take advantage of the visual reference of the trees, and also to make a hasty retreat to the locker for a change of gear to deal with wind chill factor. The Groomers there were offering smooth velvet carpets that made the visibility issues much easier to negotiate. The big smooth lines that had been prepared yesterday were still offering the smooth, and with the added cover, pushed the stoke factor up a couple of notches. Here is a shot of the Valley, which did have some Sun shining. This is the Bingham Mine on the far side of the Valley. The Tram closed due to high winds later in the AM., so we used the chair option to access the peak, where the visibility was very difficult on the Gad side of the hill up high. I got a bit of vertigo while working my way on the road that accesses Regulator. I could not even see my skis it was blowing and snowing so hard. Here is a great shot of Team Hawkes, who are avid readers of the site and I had a great time riding the Tram with them. It was so fun to meet them. Tomorrow, look for a fairly sunny day with cool temps, great Groomers, and good off trail lines to check out. The substrate is still in play, so be sure to use caution to be able to deal with the abrupt variations. I expect smooth velvet lines to be the feature of the day. See you there for the morning hot laps. Syrup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!

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