12-18-22 by dave

Another Blue Bird day was on tap and I had Mineral Basin in my sights as I could finally see it in the bright Sun. Preliminary smoothing efforts were offering dry calky lines, and great feel underfoot. The off trail was a tad on the stiff side after having been hit with a bit of wind.

A shot of Timp. from the beginning of the first Lewis and Clark exploratory.

On the front of the hill, the Peruvian Gulch was offering legendary wind buffed perfection as the overnight wind transported product to dust the Grooming efforts. Lower Primrose Path was absolutely stunning with that chalk dust filling the half pipe. I just had to do Tram laps to extract the maximum energy from the hill. Traffic was light, and back to back Trams were fast and easy.

Team Klein getting ready to dial up some top to bottom thunder.

The hill is in great shape, with coverage holding up nicely with a dry, chalky feel, on most aspects. Some aspects have seen the wind, so look for tell tale signs.

Team Canada just gaining the peak for the first time ever and barely having a second to mount up for this shot. I know they had to be blown away.

Tomorrow, look for more great pre holiday conditions, with great Grooming efforts delivering elegant carpets of AHHHH for your carving pleasure, and lots of great lines to put together all over the hill. Straight Ahead!!!

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